Monday, November 9, 2009


Fall in LOVE with your business vision, dreams and goals. Passion is a crucial part of manifesting your desires. It fires your soul and fills your spirit, energizes your heart and mind to take a quantum leap to a higher plane of performance.

Announcing a NEW 3-part teleseries:

"How to be a heart-centered, conscious-driven successful marketer who energetically attracts ideal clients."

This teleseries is for those who know or want to better understand how we have an unseen force in our existence that partners with us in all we do.

As an entrepreneur, we can apply this tool and knowledge to our marketing to enhance, expand, and increase our positive results. By holding your marketing efforts in a place of belief, success, and faith consistently (more often than the worry, concern, and fear) - you are raising the vibration of your efforts to manifest.

(FYI, energetically, money vibrates very high).

This is being "energetically responsible." What you think and feel most often will demonstrate in physical form. Consistent accurate thinking and affirmative feeling are the keys to manifesting your intention combined with action.

Gratitude is an enlightened, conscious state of being. Gratitude for things unseen and seen will raise your vibrational energy to attract more to be grateful for. Gratitude is a multiplier of good.

I invite you to join in a movement of enlightened, conscious marketers who enhance people's lives with their talents, passions and brilliance and are IN LOVE with their dreams and visions!

Your first step is to join myself and others in this NEW teleseries.--3-laser one hour sessions

Wed, Nov 11; Thur, Nov 12; Tues, Nov 17 from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm PST/2 pm - 3:00 pm EST (with mp3 recordings for those unable to be "live" on the call) Early Bird pricing ends at midnight Nov 9th. Hurry!

Jump on over and join my new Facebook Group for heart-centered, enlightened marketers, too! Click here.


In gratitude,