Sunday, November 28, 2010

To be the change in 2011...

What's your 2011 plan to contribute to the global rise of conscious entrepreneurship?

Meaning…in the words of mentor Christine Kloser, “This is a time of great global awakening – a time when we are shifting from a paradigm of greed, competition, and scarcity, to one of generosity, cooperation, and abundance.” - How will you contribute to something bigger than your own focus?

Here’s what’s cooking for me behind the scenes for 2011 that will hopefully inspire you to take an action in your own life.

In addition to the development of my new Personal Branding Video Marketing Playshop with Tracy Pattin, which is meant to expand and sophisticate an entrepreneur’s marketing platform, I have joined creative forces with my brilliant, compassionate son to deliver an inspiring, healing speaking platform.

We have formed (in process) where we will speak to health, wellness, & success-minded groups, organizations, and college campuses about being the change you wish to see in your own families, communities and then the world. Through our last 7 year journey as mother-son navigating the breast cancer experience, we are bringing a family perspective of turning a challenge into a gift while healing our own relationship.

It was at our first joint speech for Taylor’s CSUN health organization in October that inspired this platform. The feedback and reception to our message spoke volumes to the lives we could enhance! Taylor was so excited with this new experience and how he could inspire others to heal, that “Surviving and Thriving After Breast Cancer: A Mother-Son Journey to Healing Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually” speaking platform was born.

We have already booked two college campuses for 2011 and seek many more! If you know health, wellness, & success-minded groups, organizations, and college campuses, please send them our way! We are booking speaking dates for 2011 now!

Our mission: Building and growing progressive, compassionate-driven global communities who are inspired and energized to be the change they wish to see in their families, communities and the world.

Join us! If you have a group or know of one who could benefit from our message, please email:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Do You Have a Consistent Branding Strategy?

A consistent branding strategy is important in tying all your communications together and avoiding confusion by your target audience.

There are 5 important keys to consider in your branding:

1. Crystal clear idea of how you want your image presented (sold) and the effect it has on your market (audience).

2. Innovative and unique: What speaks to your personality that is authentic, interesting and innovative?

3. Consistency in delivery and continuity in look and feel of the brand.

4. Core values: does your brand speak to your core values?

5. Pick your dream team wisely: choose the best experts who are most qualified to understand, support and deliver your brand and vision.

Join my entrepreneurial community for my 30 day Facebook Prosperity Program where I delve further into each of these 5 keys to set you up for an expansive 2011:

"Take My Facebook Communities from Blasé to Buzzing for Higher Revenues!"

30-day Prosperity Facebook Program
4-part teleseries

4 Tuesdays 5:00- 6:15 Pacific
Nov 9,16,23,30

Register here

Register by November 5th to take advantage of the early bird rate (increases $100). It's worth the investment in yourself!

Changes you can expect from this 30-day "get started" innovative group program:

  • Understanding how the correct mindset, etiquette, and strategies on Facebook will change the way you EXPERIENCE social media and how it can expand your relationships, business, income and life.
  • Demystify the power behind Facebook and make it your daily partner in moving your business forward using my effective strategies and tools.
  • Your belief will shift in how the "energetic component" to your target market process works. It actually helps attract IDEAL clients, customers, or patients!
  • You'll feel more confident in using the technology on Facebook that streamlines your time and makes it more productive. Much less guessing and frustration.
  • And so much more!

Let's move you forward and join the thousands who are using Facebook time for revenue producing time! Register here.

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