The secret? Transparency and your real compelling story behind the scenes.
The veil has been taken off and we are showing our true colors. Proof? Just look at the MEGA success Reality TV franchise of The Kardashians. Who would have thought? Look at Justin Bieber's new film - about his story - FAST climb to success. Be real. NO hiding. People want to connect with you and relate to you.
We have the luxury of defining and designing our own brands today with social media unlike in years past where most of the branding was on a “hope and prayer” the newspaper reporter, TV reporter, magazine writer, or radio host got the true essence of we are. Well, you know how that went. NO fault of their own, often the facts were skewed or the journalist gave their professional perspective of the content you were hoping to convey. Hey, it’s their job as a journalist to do so.
But now, it's a whole new way of branding and it's about being unedited, raw and sometimes bold.
The great news…we have our brand in our own hands via YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. These avenues have made unknowns into media darlings, reality stars and successful entrepreneurs.
So where do you begin? Understand the art of storytelling in your branding.
Three reasons why storytelling is so important: (resource: Daily Grommet)
- People can relate to brands through their stories. Stories are humanizing. People connect with stories.
- People remember details and messages more effectively through stories. Storytelling helps people create images in the mind and these images "stick" better than just talk. (So don't shy away from the colorful, quirky details that give your story character.)
- Storytelling conveys the unique evolution of your brand. Beyond the benefits and features is the journey of how your business came to be and why it endures.
What’s next for you to monetize your social media marketing by being the real (awesome) you?
Email me at with a yes for a complimentary 45 min Social Media Discovery Call to discover a glimpse of your personal brand.
I promise I will get back to you within 24 hours or sooner. In that same scheduled call we will discuss the choices in how to monetize your social media marketing by being the brilliant authentic (sometimes off balance – sometimes quirky) you!
I am only offering 5 of these comp calls a month.
These are for those who are serious about wanting the one-on-one attention and investing the time and money into your personal and professional growth.
It's for those who are confused, frustrated and tired of not feeling fulfilled by their marketing and how they show up in the world.
It's time to get real. It's time to shine in your own way. Allow me to give you my brilliance so you can prosper.
Need more proof? Click here to read testimonials at my business fan page.
Then email me. Let’s get you rockin on social media so people take notice.