Monday, February 21, 2011

The New Level of Personal Branding. Are you in?

Personal branding has been taken to a whole new level in the last two years making way for incredible success, especially using social media to brand you and make you visible to thousands, millions.

The secret? Transparency and your real compelling story behind the scenes.

The veil has been taken off and we are showing our true colors. Proof? Just look at the MEGA success Reality TV franchise of The Kardashians. Who would have thought? Look at Justin Bieber's new film - about his story - FAST climb to success. Be real. NO hiding. People want to connect with you and relate to you.

We have the luxury of defining and designing our own brands today with social media unlike in years past where most of the branding was on a “hope and prayer” the newspaper reporter, TV reporter, magazine writer, or radio host got the true essence of we are. Well, you know how that went. NO fault of their own, often the facts were skewed or the journalist gave their professional perspective of the content you were hoping to convey. Hey, it’s their job as a journalist to do so.

But now, it's a whole new way of branding and it's about being unedited, raw and sometimes bold.

The great news…we have our brand in our own hands via YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. These avenues have made unknowns into media darlings, reality stars and successful entrepreneurs.

So where do you begin? Understand the art of storytelling in your branding.

Three reasons why storytelling is so important: (resource: Daily Grommet)

  • People can relate to brands through their stories. Stories are humanizing. People connect with stories.
  • People remember details and messages more effectively through stories. Storytelling helps people create images in the mind and these images "stick" better than just talk. (So don't shy away from the colorful, quirky details that give your story character.)
  • Storytelling conveys the unique evolution of your brand. Beyond the benefits and features is the journey of how your business came to be and why it endures.

What’s next for you to monetize your social media marketing by being the real (awesome) you?

Email me at with a yes for a complimentary 45 min Social Media Discovery Call to discover a glimpse of your personal brand.

I promise I will get back to you within 24 hours or sooner. In that same scheduled call we will discuss the choices in how to monetize your social media marketing by being the brilliant authentic (sometimes off balance – sometimes quirky) you!

I am only offering 5 of these comp calls a month.

These are for those who are serious about wanting the one-on-one attention and investing the time and money into your personal and professional growth.

It's for those who are confused, frustrated and tired of not feeling fulfilled by their marketing and how they show up in the world.

It's time to get real. It's time to shine in your own way. Allow me to give you my brilliance so you can prosper.

Need more proof? Click here to read testimonials at my business fan page.

Then email me. Let’s get you rockin on social media so people take notice.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Let's Walk and Run for Life!

April 2003 I heard the words from my doctor "You have breast cancer." My life changed forever as you can imagine.

Now almost 8 years later I am thriving and living a life I love.

I turned my challenge into a gift almost immediately after diagnosis. I stepped into activism for Susan G. Komen Foundation. I inspired women and their families for over 6 years when I spoke to audiences large and small about my survivor story and Komen initiatives. I was honored. I then became a board member for two terms.

What a journey.

Now, as a past speaker chair and past board member, I know this organization walks their talk. I am proud and honored to be part of a movement that saves lives in more ways than you can imagine.

I have started a team for the 15th annual Race for the Cure event March 6th 2011 at Dodgers Stadium.

If you have not experienced a Race for the Cure® day, you are in for an emotionally-charged, inspiring and revitalizing memory. Over 10,000 people bring their energy and compassion for a day of fitness and giving back.

Come join my team! Put on your best running shoes, pack your water, (I'm supplying the energy drinks for my team members), and bring an open heart to give all the love you can to this remarkable cause! It only takes a minimum $40 registration fee (or more if you like to donate) by clicking here on my team page.

Please help reach my fundraising goal of $5,000 by making a tax-deductible donation. Serving on the board I saw where over $1 million annually was being disbursed. It's real. Women and programs are being funded all over Los Angeles County.

75% of funds raised remain in LA County/25% go to national headquarters for research.

Come on! Let's have a ball! Get your running shoes on and let's save lives together, ok?

Isn't it Time You Stop Hiding and Show Up on Social Media in a Bigger Way?

Can we talk? I want you to imagine I am sitting (or standing) right next you. Because I am.

This is not an impersonal email. I just happen to be sitting at my computer right now allowing my heart and soul to reach out to you via this medium.

I am here 100%. So let's get real, ok?

How's your social media marketing REALLY going? Are you building communities that resonate with you? Are you allowing the REAL you to show up through your updates?

Or are you hiding behind the computer hesitant to post something in fear it may come across wrong or not appropriate? Are you afraid of being "seen" in the wrong way?

One of my students in this week's Facebook teleseries said, "I feel so relieved. You (Marla) are giving us permission to just be ourselves while on Facebook and make it ok to shine the light on our brilliance while we serve our expertise to our communities."

See, she and many others are in BIG fear of appearing incorrectly or being too "boastful" about your business, your accomplishments, your lives.

And that is such a BIG lie you tell yourself. (that's ego not spirit)

We are here to shine our lights to inspire others. It's not about you. It's about you showing up in the world in your most authentic light that inspires others to be their best. And Social Media is a gift that allows you to do just that!!

So, as you make yourself visible on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn, --you are marketing you as the brand. You have an obligation to expose your talents that can transform someone's life.

Small or large - you are here to serve.

And this is where my Social Media Savvy brand comes in. I guide you how to be savvy & sophisticated in your presence - your virtual voice online - your image. Because, you then give others permission to do the same and then we have thousands that are serving one another in a BIG way.

I was humbled when I read this comment my student Gina posted Wed on Facebook because she really got what I am here to serve. See if you get it:

"There was such an important theme under tonight's class. As we ALLOW ourselves to SHINE our authentic brilliance, we also assist the rest of the "social consciousness" to evolve!!"

Isn't it time you stop hiding and step up to serve others by being the real brilliant you and show up on social media with all the gusto you've got?

How can you do that?

By replying here with a yes for a complimentary 45 min Social Media Discovery Call to discover a glimpse of your personal brand. In that same call we will discuss the possibilities of you investing in YOU via a VIP day (phone or in person) with me and how it shifts you into monetizing your social media marketing by being the brilliant you.

I am only offering 5 of these comp calls.

These are for those who are serious about wanting the one-on-one attention and investing the time and money into your personal and professional growth.

It's for those who are confused, frustrated and tired of not feeling fulfilled by their marketing and how they show up in the world.

It's time to get real. It's time to shine. Allow me to give you my brilliance so you can prosper.

Just reply. Need more proof? Click here to read testimonials at my business fan page.

Then just reply.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Boost your Know, Like, & Trust Factor on Facebook with

Social Media has changed how we do business and how we market…forever. Big statement. Big truth.

Gone are the days when we relied on local and regional marketing channels to reach our audience in an effort to convert to clients and customers. Our reach is now global thanks to Social Networking sites, which require us to be even more savvy in our building of relationships because of the “virtual world” we now operate in.

Our core online etiquette requires an organic authenticity in our postings as we build the know, like and trust factor with our communities - so that our message and branding comes through clear in this virtual platform.

From my “5 Straight Up Truths about Social Media Marketing,” article:

"Social Media is first and foremost about building quality relationships in a community format. Watch your mindset and intention as you post. Gratitude, appreciation, kindness, giving, and serving are all energetically responsible intentions. It’s not about convincing and prodding. It’s building the KNOW, LIKE, & TRUST factor first to prospective and existing clients, customers or patients; selling/promoting second. Social Media is the NEW PR."

A savvy tool I added to my marketing toolbox a few months ago for building the “KLT” factor and to boost my effectiveness on Facebook while streamlining my time is It’s a free fan page application to assist you in nurturing your client, customer or patient relationship(s). Without this application, activities and posts on your fan page or important fan pages you “like” go unnoticed.

Fan page notifier application alerts you via email when someone posts on your fan page wall and it allows you to be notified of important fan pages when the administrator posts to the wall. This is the solution to the complaint I hear quite often, “Why does FB not have a way to communicate to me when someone posts on my fan page?”

This strategy allows you to stay on top of activities from your own fan page and priority fan pages you are a fan of so you may interact in a timely fashion. I am notified via email on my own page, and several client and mentor fan pages so I don’t miss important info.

Now, yes, you do need to maintain these email notifications, but it offers a smart way to stay connected to your most important fan pages. This is revenue producing time!

It’s a simple process to add the application by going to the website and clicking “connect with Facebook.” Then you are brought to a page that lists all your fan pages for you to choose which ones you want to be notified on. I have had clients experience some glitches with the program where it may be a challenge to initiate the application, but a few days of patience will remedy that. Meaning, the program will eventually integrate itself into your Facebook coding.

Come join my fan page at for current activities in social media, savvy tips, tools, and strategies. And let me know how the application is working for you by posting on my wall, ok?