With the Video Marketing Playshop just a few weeks away, I wanted to give you a peek at some of the content we will be offering -- and I am excited about this one in particular.
From one of my guest experts who will be featured in the Playshop and is scheduled for our August Social Media Savvy Culture Club monthly call, I am grateful to bring you a guest article by Jennifer Goodwin of http://howtogovirtual.com/
Although YouTube is powerful enough to handle your viral video marketing alone - but paired with TubeMogul, your video marketing campaign will blast off!
What is TubeMogul? If you are familiar our favorites - Ping.fm or Hootsuite you know this service will send your status updates out to ALL of your social networks at the same time without you having to log in to each and every service to copy the same information to your viewers.
Well, TubeMogul does the same thing, but for videos.
It takes your video from your computer or on the web (premium accounts) and sends it out to the top video hosting sites. Now that’s exciting!
Here are the initial BENEFITS of TubeMogul:
· Saves time and bandwidth uploading to ONE site
· It is free up to a certain number of uploads per month
· It provides tracking/analytics
· It gets your videos out to many more eyeballs
Technically, it utilizes a system known as OneLoad that requires a video to be uploaded once in order for it to send it out to all the different networking sites of your choice.
And even better, after uploading and sending out to all those other sites, TubeMogul will tell you which videos are performing best, who’s viewing your videos, location of your viewers, and time spent on your video.
TubeMogul supports distribution to over 25 different video hosting sites. All users get access to a set of general video sites that accept all types of content. Users who want to upload to specialized content sites (e.g. CarDomain, etc.) will be granted access based on the type of content they upload.
Here are the general access sites:
Vimeo Plus
Content Specific Sites
Hulu (Content Partners)
If you need any help, TubeMogul’s site offers some great videos and our favorite “set it up” team over at www.internetGIRLfriday.com can take care of getting it squared away for you!