My heart goes out this guy who is a friend in my Facebook community. He writes in his profile info section:
"This is a new profile. My last one had over 3,000 friends that over half of them were spamming me and sticking me in groups I didn't ask to be in."
So he started over.
Can you imagine what a waste of time and frustration that must have been for him? He's a busy professional and was hoping to build a culture of like minds and potential clients. I hope he has a new strategy so he doesn't create the same result.
Friends, this is why I advocate using a target market strategy when building your cultures and communities. Please be MINDFUL who you accept in your communities; this builds the right audience for your message :)
I'm going to make it easy for you to learn how to build your online communities with savvy and class for you, the small business owner, on Thursday, Sept 15th LIVE in my 4-hour training in Beverly Hills.
The deadline for the early rate ends Friday Sept 2 midnight. BUT I am going to sweeten the deal. For the next 24 hours till midnight Sept 1 - I am giving you the power of a personal brand in collaboration with how to use Facebook's tools and apps training for $97! That's $100 off the early rate! It's $197 now and goes up to $297 on Saturday. Grab a seat - I only have a few left in my private training room.
I use High Tech with High Touch.
The whole game of Facebook will change for you once you know how to use the power of personal branding (in a strategic, savvy way). This builds niche communities that convert to new clients, new members, new patients, and revenues.
Clients have to say...
"I'm so very grateful for the clarity that is presenting itself as I've been working with you on my personal brand. What seemed to be a struggle is now becoming easier than I could have imagined. I can hardly wait for our next session. Thank you Marla! Have a beautiful day!"
-- Brenda Morken, Financial Advocate for Women and Children's Fiscal Well Being
I'm delivering the intro training for the small business entrepreneur who wants a quick but comprehensive education in how to build relationships for business using Facebook.
The training, "Personal Branding Makeover to Illuminate Your Social Media Presence for Maximum Visibility & Increased Profits!" will shift how you use Facebook forever.
I'll walk you through an overview of my proven creative, savvy Facebook system and secrets to establishing the know, like & trust factor that convert new contacts to clients.
Remember, the $97 investment goes away Thursday eve at midnight. I would love to be your guide to helping you streamline your time and strategize your efforts to make smart contacts and revenues on Facebook.
Let's collaborate with other small business owners on Sept 15th for your success!
Here's the registration details.
I'll open my phone to questions. Call me if you have questions. 310.378.1277.
In gratitude,