Monday, December 10, 2012

Marla's FAVORITE Things YOU Liked!

Social Media Savvy Fan page Most Highly Engaged  Topics for 2012!  

In OPRAH style, I've listed YOUR most favorite things (topics) from my fan page based on engagement measured by the analytics INSIGHTS feature on the page. (Ask about how to use this awesome tool!) Feedback like this is golden!  Thank you!

My purpose is to serve you with inspiration and branding expertise to increase your influence and credibility. Here are some of the leading topics YOU “liked” the most over the year’s worth of postings…

Social Media Savvy Success Tip 1: How to live your life more authentically, which will shine through your personal brand in all your marketing:

1. Invent your own life. Live according to your own ideals of happiness. Allow your imagination to set fulfilling goals for the New Year and have the courage to go after them till complete.

2. Live passionately. Radiate your vital energy; it's contagious and inspiring to others while raising the vibration around you as you pay it forward.

3. Learn and evolve. Commit to continually learning something new about life, your business, and relationships. Evolve.

Social Media Savvy Success Tip 2: It's time to let go of hiding or keeping your life so private from your clients, patients, or customers and be authentic and transparent when delivering your brand on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Youtube and LI. Today's marketing requires YOU to be the brand - personal and business are one in the same. No longer separate.

The acceptance of being transparent is still a challenge for most clients who begin their programs. When they come to me - it's usually to learn the technical end of all this digital tools. But what they come to find out is - they have a fear or hesitation of being exposed - living in the limelight - living in a fishbowl, therefore preventing themselves from expanding their business.

No worries. Here are three tips to stepping out of your comfort zone and into the money zone:

1. Take it easy on yourself. Being savvy in Social Media means being classy about the content you post; not overexposed. Be selective about what you share, but always make it authentic and real. Yes, that means being emotionally vulnerable. No "putting on a show or facade” - just real daily stuff with class and care. Your friends and target market require the real you; it gives them permission to do the same. :)

2. Trust ...when you come from authenticity and transparency while using FB or Twitter, it's a natural human response for others to embrace all of who you are. We are all here with the same challenges, fears, concerns and more in life. Compassion is available and plentiful in your online communities. Reach out and RELAX.

3. Your willingness to express the person behind the business will reap rewards. Today's sophisticated consumer wants you to communicate in your own voice (verbal and written) while using Social Media. You create raving fans that know, like, and trust you (and promote you on Facebook & Twitter) when you post emotionally compelling content.
Social Media Savvy Success Tip 3: Is it time for your spiritual awakening that will lead to a new, refreshed personal brand? Try taking a step back from all your demands and just BE. Allow the spontaneity of the moment to lead you to your next enlightenment - your next version of who you are to become.  And then give people your best - the new you.
Social Media Savvy Success Tip 4: The more savvy your brand and content – the stronger your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) allowing people to find you online easier and more efficiently. Remember this: the more online content and “online real estate” you have – the easier it is for people to find you; hence your business growth and bottom line.

Social Media Savvy Success Tip 5:  Change your words. Change your world.
By changing the way you communicate in your channels of Social Media in an emotionally compelling way, your world will move in the direction of influence, stronger credibility, and conversion.

Your personality is power.

No one can duplicate who you are. As a result, you take yourself out of the competition. It doesn't matter if your competition is down the street; when you reach out to your market in a personal way OUTSIDE of the office and nurture that relationship online via your custom personality-driven ezine, a blog and your social media channels, you hedge the competition and build more loyal clients and contacts.

The blending of your business brand as your personal brand IS the secret to excelling in your marketing today. Emotional content ranks high on Google for your SEO, too!

In today's overly saturated market, you MUST be consistent with your online marketing to build the know, like & trust factor. (Even if you think it's not necessary).

Those were 5 of the many favorite Social Media Success Tips you liked!  Thank you!

Now it’s your turn to be a success story.

Want to hit it out of the ballpark for 2013? Call to schedule your complimentary 45 min DISCOVERY SESSION THIS WEEK to reveal how your can turn your personality into marketing power with a proven system in 2013. 310-378-1277.

With gratitude and respect, 

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Chief Inspiration Officer

Monday, November 26, 2012

An aha moment....

"If you want to see what people think about themselves, just look at their lives. You attract what you think you deserve." Talane Miedaner, Life Coach, author, speaker

I've just made my "Grateful for 2012 successes" list and began to compose my "2013 goal" list.  I realized many of my 2012 successes were based on my values just as I was guided by my mentors. And that's a big aha moment. I don't believe I had a year like that before. And I am feeling more fulfilled like never before.

Did you build your 2012 goals based on your values this year or based on shoulds? See, our BIG Why is often based on our values (at least it is supposed to).   Want a few tips for the New Year how to start finding your BIG WHY for 2013?

Ok here are 3 simple steps:

1. Start writing a list of what brings you joy and inspiration. Seriously. What activities, things, people, and more bring you the most joy. Be spontaneous with your writing. Allow whatever needs to come up with your feelings and thoughts as you make the list. This list will be your creative spirit list. Add to it but keep it close where you have access to it easily. I recommend posting it where you can see it daily.

2. Next, based on some of your items on your list, commit to taking yourself out on a "Play Date" alone doing something that feeds your spirit. Whether it's outdoors with nature, shopping, browsing books at B&N, an art gallery, dream building by going to open houses, hiking, biking, walking by a lake, the ocean - you know what is best for you.

Here's what could come up during your play date - your imagination will begin to flow and ideas will be unleashed - inspiration will emerge -- all of which was waiting to be birthed. Take notice and jot down the ideas. There is a clue to your BIG WHY in there.

This photo is from one of my Play dates. Visiting Floral Art in Venice, Ca. feeds the artist in me -- my passion for art, creativity, and flowers. I love visual arts.

3. Keep the integrity with yourself to stay the path to discover your BIG WHY for 2013 - NO MATTER WHAT.

Then bring that BIG WHY idea to life on January 24 as I guide you to a year like no other.   Early rate and bonuses end Dec 7 - Details here. Let's do it.

 With gratitude and respect, 

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Chief Inspiration Officer
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Personal Branding, Business Innovation,
and Social Media Savvy Expert

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Power of Influence, Credibility and Conversion

Insider tips to creating media coverage for your expertise

One of my clients recently asked me for tips on how to distribute a press release in the most effective way. She wanted a time saving, proactive solution given the multitude of options. She’s a smart, savvy, driven woman entrepreneur like many of you. Enjoy the advice I gave her…

One of the many powerful ways to build your credibility, influence and then conversion using your compelling personal brand is via 3rd party validation or what is commonly known as media coverage and media relationships.

During my 22 years in entertainment PR, I used simple systems to tackle what seemed like an overwhelming project of securing media coverage for my celebrities, visual and performing artists and creative professionals. Traditional media coverage is TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines. Today we have the LUXURY of Social Media, blogs, websites and more online resources to add to the pot of media coverage.

Amazing opportunities, but overwhelming, right?

As a small business owner, you have dozens of online tools and sites to connect with media and the option to distribute hundreds of your press releases. There’s the popular where journalists list their needs for stories and resources. There’s that will help you distribute your press release to very specific media, regions, and industries. is a helpful resource for PR tips and tools. The list goes on. That’s the “broad stroking” way of reaching media and that’s all helpful.

However, what I found in my experience, the most effective strategy to catch the attention of a feature writer, TV or radio producer is to do your homework. Here are my helpful insider tips:

1. Pick the mediums your target market profile reads or listens to (newspapers, websites, magazines, radio shows, interview TV shows -- GMA, CNN, Today Show etc). Know where they go for their entertainment, news, resources and solutions to their problems.

HOT TIP: you can use to search for your topic and measure the reach of that topic with this tool. It uses Google to aggregate content for the site.

2. Know what topics a particular Journalist or producer covers. Read their columns and articles or listen to the radio show host and watch the TV show that takes guests. Jot down the name of these journalists and begin to build a list of media for your own target market.

3. Then here’s the secret to making this media coverage task doable and more proactive: choose in batches of “Top 10” media contacts to approach via phone and email. Do a total of 30 contacts over a 3 month period where you approach them in batches of 10. Complete each follow up until you receive a yes or no. Give them news angle ideas that will be of interest to their audience. It’s not about your product or service or event. It’s about how your expertise will serve their audience. You are helping them with their job! Yes, if you want to use to distribute a general press release to a specific market and media - go ahead as a support to your campaign. But focus on going directly to the Journalist and “pitch” them your story/news idea.

Pitch them via phone and do it quickly! They have very little time. If you can’t get them on the phone - leave a quick to the point message and tell them you are emailing them your press release and story ideas. Tell them your email address so they can watch for it. Now, keep in mind, they are pitched all day long by hundreds of people, so FOLLOW UP is critical. Keep approaching each of the 10 till you have exhausted your 10 list and then move onto the next 10.

4. Be a resource for media in two ways. Build a collaborative relationship with media. Be known as a top expert with excellent, efficient, and factual content for them. Secondly, recommend experts in your circles of influence to your media contact and they will eventually come to you for other suggestions. They will be one of your BEST sources for building credibility, influence and conversion.

When I was doing PR for my clients, I was hired based on my creative news angle talents, knowing how to talk to the media and WHO was in my media rolodex. The relationships with media were crucial to my success as a publicist. You can build these too! Just be consistent with posting your expertise on your blog, Twitter and Facebook fan page.

HOT TIP: Journalists typically use Twitter and blogs to find resources for their stories. Show up consistently!

By the way…a professionally done journalistic ready press release acts like an intro for media to consider your topic or person for coverage. It’s like bait. It’s not the end all be all. It’s not an article. It’s factual, compelling, and of interest to the audience the Journalist serves (which is YOUR audience).

So, go out and be the brilliant personal brand you know you can be by serving your immediate audience with your expertise in the most authentic way and expand your credibility and influence by making media relationships for media coverage; then watch your conversion INCREASE!

Helpful article? Please post a comment here or go to my fan page and let me know how this helped you! I want to make this a two-way conversation - let’s connect!

With gratitude

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Chief Inspiration Officer
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Personal Branding, Business Innovation,
and Social Media Savvy Expert

Monday, October 1, 2012

Why is storytelling so important to your brand?

By Marla Dennis
Personal Branding, Business Innovation
and Social Media Savvy Expert

Why is storytelling a key strategy to your compelling brand as a value driven business owner?

People connect to stories. They are humanizing. People can relate to brands through stories. We are looking to tell your story, your life via your brand that inspires others to take an action. Then, all the tech tools make sense and become easy.

Your personal brand is your mark in the world as an authentic, natural, organic, expression of who you are. The content of your personal brand creates a strong emotional connection to the heart, mind, spirit, and soul of your market.

This is where conversion happens.

Here’s what you must do first…define the compelling YOU. (More in a bit how)

Ok, now I know you may be saying, “Does my life really need to be told? Are the every day personal and business struggles, successes, and challenges really making a difference for others?

Yes. More than you’ll ever know.

Humans are wired to empathize with other humans. When we read or hear an inspiring story - we can’t help but apply it to our own lives and seize the moment! The heart of your brand is your everyday stories, photos and videos you share on Facebook, your blog, your ezine, your Twitter posts and more. People take an action when they are inspired. You want that post on Facebook or article on your blog to inspire or educate or both to move people to action. When it’s done in first person conversational and catered to your market’s needs and lifestyles, now you have a winning combo.

Today’s media channels make it easy to deliver a personal brand unlike pre-social media time when traditional mediums (newspaper, TV radio and magazines) required a publicist or agency to do the handy work for you and thousands of dollars. Back in the day I had to plan, design, push, sell ideas and deliver content to the media on my client’s behalf to acquire a decent write up or radio interview. Not anymore. You have all the goods at your fingertips with a creative spin and your authenticity.

Connection. The art of storytelling; it's in your DNA.

Your personal brand is your most powerful asset in your business. Why? It speaks to your emotional core. It connects you to your audience on your social networks and offline. It’s the leading edge in marketing today. You can no longer separate your “personal” from your “business” while marketing. It’s one-in-the-same. And we have the extraordinary power of Social Media to thank for that.

See, many still have a challenge transitioning their offline world onto the virtual world. And, rightfully so. It can be hard to wrap your head around this virtual world and expect people to “get” who you are. Today’s marketing requires us to be very authentic and transparent using Social Media because of the nature of this virtual world. 

The secret is by delivering in authentic conversational form 1st person (all your marketing), we can translate our offline lives onto this virtual platform that offers outstanding networking and relationship building for our businesses. Essentially, I am giving you permission to be YOU in all your marketing! No “business” façade; the real you in savvy style.

Furthermore, it’s the accumulation of your postings on your networks that form your “personality” and your compelling story, which is your brand. Here’s the good news accentuated by Peter Guber in his book, “Tell to Win”

“There’s a treasure to be discovered, and it’s inside you. Built into your DNA are humanity’s ten-thousand-plus years of telling and listening to oral stories. This veneration of story is a force so powerful and enduring that it has shaped cultures, religions, whole civilizations. Now through telling to win, you can harness this force to achieve your most cherished goals.”

Monetize what comes natural to you. Women are fabulous at this! We love to connect and we are savvy story tellers in everyday life. We love to talk. Tell your story and other stories with emotion, drama, compelling twists and turns. Bring the audience in. We are taking people from their head to their hearts as they listen (video) or read your content with the core of your personal brand at play.

When you master the art of storytelling, you can win at most endeavors because you are igniting the common bond: emotion; and that will always move people to action.

Peter continues…“Today everyone, whether they know it or not - is in the emotional transportation business. More and more, success is won by creating compelling stories that have the power to move people to action. Simply put, if you can't tell it, you can't sell it."

To begin forming your personal brand, answer these four questions:
  1. What are your five leading personal qualities that define you the most?
  2. What are five passions that light you up and magnetize people to you?
  3. Five recent successes and gratitudes.
  4. What were some of your most challenging times that resulted in a reinvention or upleveling of your life? (transformation)
Speak your truth! Be you. Your mindfully chosen communities will reward you by being loyal and committed to stick around for a while.

And that’s a sign of conversion. That is how you monetize YOU. So go on…get out there and tell your story with dignity and gusto! Connect with your audience and they will be loyal followers and clients for years to come!

With gratitude

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Chief Inspiration Officer
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Is it time to brighten and re-energize your personal brand? Spiritual gifts I use

Is it time to brighten and re-energize your personal brand? Here’s my recent journey that may help and feel right for you.

It’s been a while since I sent an ezine or written a blog post and connected with you in this way - and I apologize.

I’ve been offering new programs for private clients with great success, promoting new group programs, and delivering new marketing techniques while being in “coachable mode” with my mentors to better serve you.

What I found in the midst of all this, I felt something amiss; a void of sorts. So after a full, beautiful weekend with my honey taking a spontaneous drive along the ocean in Palos Verdes and enjoying each other’s company, I took Monday off to just reconnect with me. I let go of all demands - I found my core again by meditating, journaling, listening to background piano music. This nurture - this centering - feels like a drink of cool, refreshing clean water  - connecting back to my core - to my essence.

It’s times like these you brighten and re-energize your personal brand. When I just allow spirit to guide me and breathe in the delicious air, I always have a shift and inspiring experience just right for my next evolution. 

I found a new spiritual mentor along the way - Reena Desai of Feminine Her words and essence from her Facebook page and website soothed my soul and heart. As a result, I could write my ezine today with more emotion, more clarity, and I intuitively realized it was time for a photo change on my Facebook page; an evolution of my brand.  

My new branding article (click) will help you along this path and explain the importance of storytelling - the power of your brand.

Now my connection with life and people feels calm, peaceful, organic, and real. Is it time for your spiritual awakening that will lead to a new, refreshed personal brand?  Try taking a step back from all your demands and just BE. Allow the spontaneity of the moment to lead you to your next enlightenment - your next version of who you are to become.

And then give people your best - the new you. 

With gratitude
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Chief Inspiration Officer
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Contraction Energy vs. Expansive Energy - Which Are You Living By?

Did you know your personal brand dims (in many ways) when you have an under-current of money "contraction" energy in your life?

What is contraction energy? Worry, doubt, fear, quilt, shame, and lack around money. Whereas, "expansive" energy around money attracts more money in your life. 

Expansive energy is faith, belief, trust, gratitude, action, courage, abundance thinking, & appreciation toward money. 

See, when you are in a relationship with money that is more often feeling expansive vs. contraction - you set a new "normal" to live by and attract more opportunities, ideas, and money into your business.

Be courageous and seek a money breakthrough to stand in your
branding power
and give more of you to the world!

How does all this relate to your personal brand power?

In every way. 

On Sept 19th at the Chase branch business networking event in Redondo Beach, I'll teach you secrets to getting started eliminating money clutter so your brand will produce BETTER results.

Register now for the business building mixer and tell your friends! -

Here's more of what you'll learn in my presentation -  

Success Branding Strategies to Thrive in Our “Social Reward” Economy:
  • Why opportunity awaits in transparency 
  • Why you MUST clear the “money clutter” before your brand will produce results
  • Secrets to “building the bond” online
  • How RICH is YOUR Social Currency?
  • 3 Secrets why authenticity must be at the core of all your personal branding efforts
  • Insider tips to Fan page & personal page strategies for effective marketing
  • How digital storytelling creates raving fans for your business

Wed, September 19, 2012
6:30-8:45 pm
246 S. PCH
Torrance Blvd
& PCH Chase Branch
Redondo Beach
CA 90277

Would really like to meet and chat with you - and introduce you to my community of smart, savvy business owners, ok?

Get more information and register at

Monday, September 10, 2012

A 2mm Shift That Will Transform Your Relationship with Money Now.

As I experience my clients shift their mindsets, attitudes, habits and actions around money during and after our branding and marketing sessions, I can't help but want more of this transformation for many others.  

So, as I sit here at my desk engaging with you, let me ask you...are you ready to finally take control of all your worry, doubt, fear, guilt, shame, avoidance, lack of faith, and lack of trust (Universal) around money and turn it into a joyful, expansive, fulfilling energy that allows you to stand in your power?  

(Hint: It's a 2 mm shift I did recently and now I want to share it.)   

Do you want to learn simple secrets to clearing your money clutter that you can start right now? 

Our relationship with money is ever evolving; if you are seeking excellence - then you must be open to changing that relationship all the time. Money energy is not static; it's a vibrant, active energy that shifts with life and flows with Universal energy. I am always in a state of personal growth around money. I still have a lot to learn, but with each shift and breakthrough, I get closer to the next better version of who I am to become. (This money growth kicks my butt every time!)

So, in my upcoming No Cost training call, I’ll explain why your brilliant personal brand dims (in many ways) when you have an under-current of money "contraction" energy in your life and then offer how to shift this instantly to begin creating better results in your business revenues! 

If you find yourself consistently getting stuck or blocked when it comes to money issues... if you can't seem to get past a certain income level... if you want to unclog your money block in your business and your life...

You'll want to attend this FREE training call happening on September 20th.

"INCREASE YOUR SELF WORTH AND NET WORTH: The ONE Money Secret and THREE Mindset Shifts You MUST Have to Prosper!" 


Join me on this FREE ONE-TIME training call where you will learn:   
  • How to face your money clutter with courage and grace followed by practical steps!
  • How to finally take control of your worry, doubt, fear, quilt, shame, avoidance, lack of faith, and lack of trust (Universal) around money!
  • The ONE secret to shifting your money fears and frustrations into a confident, powerful, achieving energy!
  • The 3 money success mindsets you MUST have to build a profitable, sustainable business.
  • Secrets to clearing your money clutter (These are simple and you can get started now!)
  • How to "unclog" your money block in your business and life and let it FLOW (Like I did to re-open the channels of prosperity)!
  • How to start healing money issues or money drama and turn them into clarity, forgiveness and empowerment.
  • Exciting details about my all NEW Money Breakthrough Method ® 4-part Telecourse, "Breakthrough to the Your Next Income Level With Dignity, Courage, Grace and Ease" 
If you are serious about increasing your income, then don't waste any more time, register for my FREE TRAINING call today.    

Don't miss out on this NEW mindset, money transforming call. And register even if you can't make the call live, as all registrants will receive access to the recording, but make an effort to be there live.     

Will you pay-it-forward to your friends on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter? The bigger picture is creating a movement where we all prosper.  

With gratitude
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Chief Inspiration Officer

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Friday, August 3, 2012

Are You HONESTLY Open to Receiving in Your Business ?

How Money Stagnates in Your Business and Dims Your Personal Brand’s Light 

This topic is a big one mostly for women – so men bear with me and take the insight into your relationships.  The law of giving and receiving in our business is crucial to our financial well being. So when one part of that equation is stagnant, the flow stops. 

Now, women are natural, beautiful givers, however, I often find women having an inability to receive (on some level) due to generational patterns and behaviors that were not ours to begin with.  When we heal this powerful part of our lives, our personal brand and business excels!

To illustrate my point, I am pulling back the curtain and taking you behind the scenes of a recent interaction with a new, very special client and explain how her “email breakthrough” began based on the entire issue of the inability to receive.

BTW, I recently had a conversation with a spiritual coach who defined one of my biggest breakthroughs would be around the concept of receiving in my business without having to give; just be open to receiving. Hmmm… interesting how we attract just what we need for our own healing. I share this client story because many of you will relate and feel a sense of relief that there is a way out of this disempowering behavior of not being able to receive.

She came to me via email having found my content on the Internet seeking for a Money Breakthrough coach. As a certified Money Breakthrough Method coach from Kendall Summerhawk’s extraordinary training, my goal is to move people through their money stories and patterns that prevent them from having a healthy relationship with money and stand in their power with money. Those patterns can show up as guilt, shame, not charging enough for our talents/services, ignoring bills, avoiding, etc. Believe me, I had several of these to work through in the training before I could step into being that coach and I continue to work on my patterns all the time!

After a few “get to know us” emails, I then attempted to set up a discovery call (complimentary) to go over a questionnaire I sent her so I could have an in-depth call about her needs.

Then the behavior pattern began to show up.

She kept avoiding completing the questionnaire and sending more reply emails with emotional content about her experience with other coaches, wanting to know fees and just more “money” stuff pouring out with each sentence. She then wrote she prefers paying for the discovery session since she had a challenge with receiving gifts and a fear of not being truthful in our call because she didn’t pay for it. (Control; trust issue). This request was a first for me and a welcome challenge I could not wait to get to the heart of!

After a series of emails reading about her “mother” money issue and knowing she must get rid of her insidious patterns, she finally came through with her truth about the inability to receive gifts. But, she thought it had nothing to do with money.  (Love this part! This is a great example of guilt or shame.)

After a few weeks of emails and her being gone on vacation, my response (below) resulted in her reply, “Thank you for your insightful reply and I think you are hitting the bullseye!” She then happily agreed to the complimentary session and is excited to move forward learning how to receive by not paying for the intro call. This was a big breakthrough given the major resistance I experienced in all her emails!

My reply to her:

“Giving and receiving is THE main reason you have a money issue. Yes it may originated with your Mom unfortunately, but that fact you have a challenge with giving and receiving, you are not open "energetically" or tangibly to live in abundance of money. Money MUST circulate (give and receive) and by controlling it (security issue) - you are stagnating and repelling money.

Your relationship with money is either in contraction/restriction or expansion. Money is an energy FIRST - NOT a piece of paper that exchanges goods and services. You have lived in complete denial of abundance due to placing a stop to the circulation of how your life works. It's how your heart works. Imagine your heart not willing to receive the oxygen and blood from your body - it could not give you life; same exact thing with money. It must be able to give and receive and flow - not be controlled - to give you life.

Now your ego mind may be saying this is all hogwash and woo-woo - but your heart knows the truth and so do I. If you are willing to have a real breakthrough and stop this insidious pattern, I am happy to serve you with a questionnaire call complimentary so I can better understand how further I can serve you. If not, I appreciate your reaching out to me and you should find another coach. I am willing to go to mat with you, but you must be willing to also.”

Ladies & gents, let’s start a movement of being able to receive MORE money in our business and brighten our personal brand while rewriting our money legacy story.

Find a quiet place, be gentle with yourself and believe transformation is waiting for you! Answer these 6 questions:

1. What is the money story you grew up with?

2. How has that shown up in your life?

3. What is the core underlying money belief within that story?

4. What could their (the person in your life) positive intention be?

5. What is there to love or be grateful for?

6. What is there to forgive?

For YOUR complimentary Money Breakthrough Method Discover call, please email Your freedom lies on the other side.

In gratitude always,
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Chief Inspiration Officer