is finally here in L.A. and we are all heading into the 2nd business
quarter. I know some of you across the country are still experiencing
cold and snow. Hang tight. Warmer weather is coming soon. :)
If you're like me, I am always looking for innovative ways to upgrade my biz even when I am super busy!
is happening all around us and we need to know which strategies, tools,
and marketing systems to really pay attention to and which ones can
either wait or just plain ignore.
I hear over and over from clients and friends, "There are so many new options out there all the time - what do I pay attention to?"
Don't get caught up in one of the biggest time-wasters many of us lifestyle entrepreneurs are guilty of - "B.S.O.S." - Bright Shiny Object Syndrome!
As entrepreneurs we are optimists and opportunists. That's a good thing
but it can be just as detrimental to our business growth.
We are known for being seduced by every NEW social media channel, tool, techy doo-dad that comes our way because we don't' want to miss an opportunity. It could be that magic bullet or million dollar opportunity?!
My recommendation: learn what is the best use of your time and energy in today's menu of gazillion
options and update your business disciplines and marketing systems.
This strategy and knowledge builds your brand and the critical "know, like and trust factor" that converts online engagement to revenues.
This translates to... results happen when we BUILD THE BOND online.
you know my schedule is typically very full but my schedule has shifted
and for the next two months I have exactly 2 private client spots open
and one group Mastermind day.
am offering these at a special rate (discount) because it's springtime (
I feel good!) and I know some of you are ready to upgrade your
branding, marketing, mindset and systems by summertime so you can time
off with family and then move into a stellar fall season.
So if you'd like to take advantage here's how. Click here
To your success and fulfillment!