Monday, December 10, 2012

Marla's FAVORITE Things YOU Liked!

Social Media Savvy Fan page Most Highly Engaged  Topics for 2012!  

In OPRAH style, I've listed YOUR most favorite things (topics) from my fan page based on engagement measured by the analytics INSIGHTS feature on the page. (Ask about how to use this awesome tool!) Feedback like this is golden!  Thank you!

My purpose is to serve you with inspiration and branding expertise to increase your influence and credibility. Here are some of the leading topics YOU “liked” the most over the year’s worth of postings…

Social Media Savvy Success Tip 1: How to live your life more authentically, which will shine through your personal brand in all your marketing:

1. Invent your own life. Live according to your own ideals of happiness. Allow your imagination to set fulfilling goals for the New Year and have the courage to go after them till complete.

2. Live passionately. Radiate your vital energy; it's contagious and inspiring to others while raising the vibration around you as you pay it forward.

3. Learn and evolve. Commit to continually learning something new about life, your business, and relationships. Evolve.

Social Media Savvy Success Tip 2: It's time to let go of hiding or keeping your life so private from your clients, patients, or customers and be authentic and transparent when delivering your brand on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Youtube and LI. Today's marketing requires YOU to be the brand - personal and business are one in the same. No longer separate.

The acceptance of being transparent is still a challenge for most clients who begin their programs. When they come to me - it's usually to learn the technical end of all this digital tools. But what they come to find out is - they have a fear or hesitation of being exposed - living in the limelight - living in a fishbowl, therefore preventing themselves from expanding their business.

No worries. Here are three tips to stepping out of your comfort zone and into the money zone:

1. Take it easy on yourself. Being savvy in Social Media means being classy about the content you post; not overexposed. Be selective about what you share, but always make it authentic and real. Yes, that means being emotionally vulnerable. No "putting on a show or facade” - just real daily stuff with class and care. Your friends and target market require the real you; it gives them permission to do the same. :)

2. Trust ...when you come from authenticity and transparency while using FB or Twitter, it's a natural human response for others to embrace all of who you are. We are all here with the same challenges, fears, concerns and more in life. Compassion is available and plentiful in your online communities. Reach out and RELAX.

3. Your willingness to express the person behind the business will reap rewards. Today's sophisticated consumer wants you to communicate in your own voice (verbal and written) while using Social Media. You create raving fans that know, like, and trust you (and promote you on Facebook & Twitter) when you post emotionally compelling content.
Social Media Savvy Success Tip 3: Is it time for your spiritual awakening that will lead to a new, refreshed personal brand? Try taking a step back from all your demands and just BE. Allow the spontaneity of the moment to lead you to your next enlightenment - your next version of who you are to become.  And then give people your best - the new you.
Social Media Savvy Success Tip 4: The more savvy your brand and content – the stronger your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) allowing people to find you online easier and more efficiently. Remember this: the more online content and “online real estate” you have – the easier it is for people to find you; hence your business growth and bottom line.

Social Media Savvy Success Tip 5:  Change your words. Change your world.
By changing the way you communicate in your channels of Social Media in an emotionally compelling way, your world will move in the direction of influence, stronger credibility, and conversion.

Your personality is power.

No one can duplicate who you are. As a result, you take yourself out of the competition. It doesn't matter if your competition is down the street; when you reach out to your market in a personal way OUTSIDE of the office and nurture that relationship online via your custom personality-driven ezine, a blog and your social media channels, you hedge the competition and build more loyal clients and contacts.

The blending of your business brand as your personal brand IS the secret to excelling in your marketing today. Emotional content ranks high on Google for your SEO, too!

In today's overly saturated market, you MUST be consistent with your online marketing to build the know, like & trust factor. (Even if you think it's not necessary).

Those were 5 of the many favorite Social Media Success Tips you liked!  Thank you!

Now it’s your turn to be a success story.

Want to hit it out of the ballpark for 2013? Call to schedule your complimentary 45 min DISCOVERY SESSION THIS WEEK to reveal how your can turn your personality into marketing power with a proven system in 2013. 310-378-1277.

With gratitude and respect, 

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Chief Inspiration Officer