Never under estimate the power of the
intangible energy in your business!
What do I mean?
We have a Universal partner that
exists every moment of our life. When you know how to use this energy; you will
manifest that which you desire much quicker. This info will change the course
of your life.
Here's a scenario to illustrate my
I'm in a coaching session with a new
entrepreneur who recently jumped the corporate ship to finally pursue her dream
biz. For many years she was a Director of Sales for a product company making
multiple 6 figures with a team following her guidance. She operated in a man's
world watching over hard core stats, sales projections, sales numbers, monthly
goals to run after, and a team to inspire, yet she felt empty.
So she started a business a few months ago
finally that was creative, conceptualized by feminine energy, inspiring,
colorful, artistic, and meaningful from the heart. But, she found she was still
struggling to be authentic, powerful, and feminine as she built her new
venture. I asked her to describe to me a "day in the life" snapshot.
So she eagerly explained the first thing she did when she stepped out of bed is
grab her morning tea and snack and go online to read her email, Facebook posts,
and more admin.
By this time she was ready for her work out
on the beach running, which gives her natural energy and inspiration. She then
starts her errands and meeting possible vendors. Soon after she's back at her
desk sending out thank you cards and ending the day about 8 pm after a few hour
of product development. Phew!!
And she can't understand why she is
struggling, not making as many sales as she hoped, exhausted emotionally and in
fear where is the money?
I came back with a compassionate answer. You
are so busy "doing" and there is no "being" in this
equation. She stared at me with one of those "OMG" looks that shifted
her entire mindset.
We had talked earlier in the session about
the importance of having Universal energy as your partner and that she was not
alone in any of her effort. That made sense to her but it was not a daily
So I recommended she
begin a new habit of sitting quietly in her bed before starts her day and start
a habit of journaling and "script out her day" as if it's already
complete. Describe how it feels in all the meetings, emails, phone calls. She
was astounded. Instead of being in reactive mode every day, she was profoundly
moved she could set an intention to DESIGN her day instead of react. And she now
understood how to partner with Spirit/Universe in creating a fulfilling day.
The BEING was missing in her daily life as a
harried, overwhelmed, stressed out new entrepreneur. I kindly offered "when you are aligned with the
purpose of your business and yourself - PLUS action - that's when the magic
will happen. People. Money. Opportunities. Evolution and more will occur."
Sound familiar? Did you forget the BEING in
the DOING all day? When you place the being first- alignment occurs which results in manifesting
what you desire.
I got a call the next day from this client
and she was elated in how her day went because she began her day with a
connection within and intention for her day via journaling and scripting.
Ready to add BEING to your business
success equation?
Create your own success formula that
includes “being” and monitor the amount of “doing.” Usually when we are stuck
in any area of our business or life – we need some downtime to just “be.”
Give yourself the
luxury of "downtime." No to-do lists. No requirements. Only
free-thinking, free-spirited time. Brilliant ideas are usually born here. We are human beings
first; not human doings.
Here's to your BEINGness. It's very powerful.
With gratitude,

Chief Inspiration Officer