Thursday, December 9, 2010

Secret Code to landing in the TOP of the Newsfeed; Social Media Q & A

As a business coach, I partner with you to shift your mindset, marketing strategies/tools, and relationship to money that results in a new way of operating.

The change in today's economy requires us to uplevel our marketing savviness while matching the needs of the NEW sophisticated consumer.
And, the marketing system I coach develops you into a savvy business owner that speaks to this sophisticated consumer.

With that being said, here are some Social Media tools and strategies to either get your started or uplevel what you know already about Facebook.

1. A client asked me how can he stay closer contact with his friend community that consists of his target market while streamlining his time.
Here's what I told him:

One of several simple strategies I recommended to help build the KLT (know like trust factor) is: build custom lists for very specific people who are your target market. Then use your custom lists to save you time as you interact in the newsfeed with them. This blows out wasting time looking for them in your newsfeed.

2. How does Facebook decide on what it is going to post. I have friends who are posting on their pages, but they do not show on my live or recent feedback on my page? How does Facebook prioritize who will get posted on my page? Does that make sense? I only get postings from some of my friends but not all of them. Answer:

Thanks to The Daily Beast, here is the “secret code” to getting seen on the newsfeed: (This could change any day given the ongoing upgrades, but for now here is what I read) Technology is synonymous with change…and often. Writing a regular status update won’t get you seen by your potential clients or patients. Your goal is to get your posts into the Top News feed as often as possible. Based on a recently updated algorithm (techie word for programming) a little known kept secret according to new research from the Daily Beast here are 5 of 10 smart tips to getting placement in the Top Newsfeed.

1. Placing videos and photos in your status updates will greatly enhance your ranking.

2. Website links within your posting will also help.

3. Pose questions and invite interaction. When you receive a lot of comments – not just “likes” again – higher ranking gets triggered in the algorithms.

4. Facebook pays attention to how connected the people are who are commenting. Meaning, keep adding friends. Strange as it is - some people will never show up as “Top News” simply because they are not well connected and/or interacting.

5. Be an early bird. By posting in the morning - you have the ability to get more comments that will crawl you up the algorithm. Keep in mind, Facebook changes daily and weekly, so who knows what will be the next wave of tips to reach the Top News status. For now - this will help.

Run a survey on your fan page

Sunday, November 28, 2010

To be the change in 2011...

What's your 2011 plan to contribute to the global rise of conscious entrepreneurship?

Meaning…in the words of mentor Christine Kloser, “This is a time of great global awakening – a time when we are shifting from a paradigm of greed, competition, and scarcity, to one of generosity, cooperation, and abundance.” - How will you contribute to something bigger than your own focus?

Here’s what’s cooking for me behind the scenes for 2011 that will hopefully inspire you to take an action in your own life.

In addition to the development of my new Personal Branding Video Marketing Playshop with Tracy Pattin, which is meant to expand and sophisticate an entrepreneur’s marketing platform, I have joined creative forces with my brilliant, compassionate son to deliver an inspiring, healing speaking platform.

We have formed (in process) where we will speak to health, wellness, & success-minded groups, organizations, and college campuses about being the change you wish to see in your own families, communities and then the world. Through our last 7 year journey as mother-son navigating the breast cancer experience, we are bringing a family perspective of turning a challenge into a gift while healing our own relationship.

It was at our first joint speech for Taylor’s CSUN health organization in October that inspired this platform. The feedback and reception to our message spoke volumes to the lives we could enhance! Taylor was so excited with this new experience and how he could inspire others to heal, that “Surviving and Thriving After Breast Cancer: A Mother-Son Journey to Healing Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually” speaking platform was born.

We have already booked two college campuses for 2011 and seek many more! If you know health, wellness, & success-minded groups, organizations, and college campuses, please send them our way! We are booking speaking dates for 2011 now!

Our mission: Building and growing progressive, compassionate-driven global communities who are inspired and energized to be the change they wish to see in their families, communities and the world.

Join us! If you have a group or know of one who could benefit from our message, please email:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Do You Have a Consistent Branding Strategy?

A consistent branding strategy is important in tying all your communications together and avoiding confusion by your target audience.

There are 5 important keys to consider in your branding:

1. Crystal clear idea of how you want your image presented (sold) and the effect it has on your market (audience).

2. Innovative and unique: What speaks to your personality that is authentic, interesting and innovative?

3. Consistency in delivery and continuity in look and feel of the brand.

4. Core values: does your brand speak to your core values?

5. Pick your dream team wisely: choose the best experts who are most qualified to understand, support and deliver your brand and vision.

Join my entrepreneurial community for my 30 day Facebook Prosperity Program where I delve further into each of these 5 keys to set you up for an expansive 2011:

"Take My Facebook Communities from Blasé to Buzzing for Higher Revenues!"

30-day Prosperity Facebook Program
4-part teleseries

4 Tuesdays 5:00- 6:15 Pacific
Nov 9,16,23,30

Register here

Register by November 5th to take advantage of the early bird rate (increases $100). It's worth the investment in yourself!

Changes you can expect from this 30-day "get started" innovative group program:

  • Understanding how the correct mindset, etiquette, and strategies on Facebook will change the way you EXPERIENCE social media and how it can expand your relationships, business, income and life.
  • Demystify the power behind Facebook and make it your daily partner in moving your business forward using my effective strategies and tools.
  • Your belief will shift in how the "energetic component" to your target market process works. It actually helps attract IDEAL clients, customers, or patients!
  • You'll feel more confident in using the technology on Facebook that streamlines your time and makes it more productive. Much less guessing and frustration.
  • And so much more!

Let's move you forward and join the thousands who are using Facebook time for revenue producing time! Register here.

Enhanced by Zemanta

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Transparency is required for social media success

Today's effective way to market using the power of Social Media requires us to communicate in a whole new paradigm, right?

That requirement is transparency.

Consumers have many choices. If you want to stand out from the crowd use transparency in your marketing efforts on Facebook, Twitter, your ezine and blog. Now that we have online to develop our relationships, transparency is crucial for a successful personal brand.

Developing the know, like, trust factor with your prospects by using transparency in your postings on Facebook and Twitter, will support the conversion from the unknown to clients, patients, or customers.

What is transparency?

Being honest and authentic in your voice in your personal branding as you let your market get to know the real YOU behind the business!

To help you understand this, Marilyn Calvo DDS and I are teaming up to educate and inspire you to explore your options about your image, self-confidence, personal brand and business success.

Join us for:

Register here

In this INNOVATIVE social media presentation, here's what you will learn:

  • How opportunity awaits in transparency
  • What is required of a brand that "sticks"
  • Why honesty and authenticity must be at the core of all your personal branding efforts
  • Fan page and personal page strategy for effective marketing
  • 5 branding KEYS that will create a strong presence
  • 5 simple ways to promote your fan page
  • The secret behind a week's worth of postings in 30 minutes!
  • How the two different types of postings in a PR campaign will make you social media SAVVY!

Your brand will never be the same!

In Gratitude,

Chief Inspiration Officer

Thursday, September 16, 2010

How long will you wait to become savvy in Social Media?

It's media coverage like this that makes me smile and validates the passion and vision
I have for you and your success...
--- Forbes just released this article,

"Social Media has Scorching Impact on Small Biz."

Click here for the article.

The article has tons of stats, percentages and flat out confirmation of the power that social media can have on your biz WHEN you do it correctly with savvy strategies, tools, and clear intentions.

So, how long will you wait to really understand how using Facebook and Twitter CAN catapult your business and revenues?

Yesterday, in my NAOEM FB teleclass, here were a few great questions that showed up:

"I'm a retail and service store, so I have 2 target markets; vendors and customers. How do I market to both on FB?"

"My fan page is just sitting there because I don't know what to post and when. I use my personal page but I need a buzz going on my fan page. How do I do it?"

In another call with a new client, she initially says: "How do I handle all this social media AND everything else I am doing in my business? It seems too overwhelming to me to even begin."

Sound familar? Any of these? The answers and solutions to these and tons more will be revealed in my signature 4-part teleseries coming up Sept 29th.

Don't wait to jump in. Let me guide you.

Personal branding is my forte and passion. I lived it for 22 yrs with visual and performing artists. I now support you, the business owner, in identifying your own brand with savvy strategies, tools, and mindset.

BTW, it all begins with mindset.

This 30-day Prosperity Facebook Program is for you if...

1. You are totally perplexed in how to monetize your efforts on Facebook and want a beginning start without a huge investment.

2. You wonder daily what you are going to post that will create interaction or interest?

3. You know there must be a strategy(s) that help you build your business and brand in a BIG way.

4. You prefer to learn from someone who has had a long career in personal branding and "gets" this strategy.

This early bird rate is good till Monday, Sept 20.
Invest in you. Take the risk.

Click here for all the details and the registration page.

My gift to the business world is to help you truly understand how to streamline your time and maximize your efforts on Facebook for business while converting your quality target marketed communities into clients, patients, or customers. Then, you can give your gifts to the world on a bigger scale!

It's all about win/win and the Law of Increase for all!

Let's move you forward and join the thousands who are using Facebook time for revenue producing time!
Click here for the registration info page.

Peace and blessings,

Chief Inspiration Officer

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Social Media Savvy - a world-class authentic image

To "sharpen my saw" to better serve you, I find it interesting to observe which of my wall posts on Facebook will receive the most responses.

As part of my personality-driven marketing system, I coach the importance of YOU being the brand in order to connect with your market so that you are building the know, like and trust factor. This then leads to filling your pipeline of potential clients, patients, members, or customers.

But, again, it's you in the spotlight...with finesse.

Meaning, you are marketing your relationship with your community. You are taking a sincere interest in their posts and responses. You are posting emotionally compelling info while delivering a class-act image, authentically.

Today's business paradigm has changed dramatically where we now rely on peer-to-peer to do the marketing for us. Traditional media has taken a back-seat.

Oh, how times have changed.

So it follows, when we deliver our marketing via our Social Media pages, our most effective approach is a relationship topic beyond the information resources. People buy from those they know, like and trust. Engage with your community as if you were having a conversation. Be authentic. Document your thoughts and feelings. Here was one of my highest response rates in a while. It took place Sunday, Mother's Day, of course.

"Lovely way to end a Mother's Day. For the 1st time, my son took me to dinner (and paid) and bought me pink roses. So sweet. So simple. Simple things in life MATTER the most. Grateful. :)"

Simple. Straight to the point. And, emotionally compelling. I chose to compose this thought because most everyone can relate with this topic - raising teens. This Mother's Day was truly a turning point in my life with my son.

So, as you consider posts on FB and Twitter, think about how you can serve your community with compassion while delivering a "world-class" image to your market.

Because, you deserve it.

In gratitude,

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Romance & Marketing Makeover

Ladies, can we get real?

Life without love is no fun. And love without a thriving business makes life really unfulfilling, right?

So, here we are - smart, beautiful, driven, dynamic, creative, intuitive, women who are either single, married, or in a relationship and we seek that ever elusive "having it all" life.


Well, I am here to tell you - with a handful of TLC combined with straight up ("in your face") truth about men & romance, and a unique look at the marketing of your business brand, I say it's possible to have it all - but in your own way.

I believe that "having it all" is very subjective and is up to you to create. It's not the fantasy - superwoman -image we have been fed in the media.
I want you to have a lavish love and a successful business your own way.

But let's first clear away the clutter and confusion about men, romance and how to build those quality online communities to pave the way for a juicy love life and booming, successful business!
And by that - I mean, an authentic, fulfilling, rejuvenating, joyous, sizzling, love life AND a dynamic, thriving, business.

BUT as long as you are open to hearing the naked truth from a real man's perspective (and he's a handsome devil with a heart of gold truly wanting to support you) tempered by my creative, intuitive, seasoned perspective in how to market your brand so it OOZES the real you while attracting RAVING fans (who are energetically matched to you!)

Please join my new cool teleseries partner, Jonathon Aslay, Relationship Confidant, and I, in an innovative, sometimes racy and edgy, PREVIEW CALL for our NEW teleseries on

Thursday, April 29th at 4 pm PST/7 pm EST:

Sex and the City Meets Marketing Matchmaker:
"How to Illuminate Your Beautiful, Smart, Authentic Self
That Magnetizes a Healthy,
Sizzling Love Life (single, married, or in a relationship)
While Attracting Raving Fans For Your Business!"

Click here to reserve your spot now

On this FREE 75-minute call, we are pulling back the curtain and revealing:

*The 3 Magic C's that will lead to a healthy, loving romance & thriving marketing campaign.

* The "sometimes" hard to hear truth about what
men are really thinking when it comes to Love, Relationships, Intimacy and Commitment! (juicy stuff, ladies!)

* The one crucial, often times missed, component you must have when attracting your rightful target market that builds quality online communities.

*How to identify those barriers that are holding you back from achieving your goal of true love (even if you are in a committed relationship).

*What it takes to be a conscious, heart-centered marketer who delivers authentic branding.

* The candid truth about masculine and feminine energies and how they repel or attract love!

* The secret "consciousness" that will drive your marketing way up with astonishing results.

* What "dating with purpose" actually is.

* How using Facebook in strategic ways (Hollywood style) can stack the decks in your favor for powerful marketing AND finding HOT, quality men! (Single ladies, please)

If you're a woman entrepreneur or professional wanting the REAL truth about men, love, romance, and Hollywood style branding (with a spiritual twist) that ignites your life, then you don't want to miss this NEW, INNOVATIVE opportunity to learn directly from Jonathon and I in our PREVIEW call, April 29th from 4 pm - 5:15 pm PST.

(registered guests receive mp3 recording)

Click here to reserve your spot now

In gratitude,


Romance & Marketing Makeover

Ladies, can we get real?

Life without love is no fun. And love without a thriving business makes life really unfulfilling, right?

So, here we are - smart, beautiful, driven, dynamic, creative, intuitive, women who are either single, married, or in a relationship and we seek that ever elusive "having it all" life.


Well, I am here to tell you - with a handful of TLC combined with straight up ("in your face") truth about men & romance, and a unique look at the marketing of your business brand, I say it's possible to have it all - but in your own way.

I believe that "having it all" is very subjective and is up to you to create. It's not the fantasy - superwoman -image we have been fed in the media.
I want you to have a lavish love and a successful business your own way.

But let's first clear away the clutter and confusion about men, romance and how to build those quality online communities to pave the way for a juicy love life and booming, successful business!
And by that - I mean, an authentic, fulfilling, rejuvenating, joyous, sizzling, love life AND a dynamic, thriving, business.

BUT as long as you are open to hearing the naked truth from a real man's perspective (and he's a handsome devil with a heart of gold truly wanting to support you) tempered by my creative, intuitive, seasoned perspective in how to market your brand so it OOZES the real you while attracting RAVING fans (who are energetically matched to you!)

Please join my new cool teleseries partner, Jonathon Aslay, Relationship Confidant, and I, in an innovative, sometimes racy and edgy, PREVIEW CALL for our NEW teleseries on

Thursday, April 29th at 4 pm PST/7 pm EST:

Sex and the City Meets Marketing Matchmaker:
"How to Illuminate Your Beautiful, Smart, Authentic Self
That Magnetizes a Healthy,
Sizzling Love Life (single, married, or in a relationship)
While Attracting Raving Fans For Your Business!"

Click here to reserve your spot now

On this FREE 75-minute call, we are pulling back the curtain and revealing:

*The 3 Magic C's that will lead to a healthy, loving romance & thriving marketing campaign.

* The "sometimes" hard to hear truth about what
men are really thinking when it comes to Love, Relationships, Intimacy and Commitment! (juicy stuff, ladies!)

* The one crucial, often times missed, component you must have when attracting your rightful target market that builds quality online communities.

*How to identify those barriers that are holding you back from achieving your goal of true love (even if you are in a committed relationship).

*What it takes to be a conscious, heart-centered marketer who delivers authentic branding.

* The candid truth about masculine and feminine energies and how they repel or attract love!

* The secret "consciousness" that will drive your marketing way up with astonishing results.

* What "dating with purpose" actually is.

* How using Facebook in strategic ways (Hollywood style) can stack the decks in your favor for powerful marketing AND finding HOT, quality men! (Single ladies, please)

If you're a woman entrepreneur or professional wanting the REAL truth about men, love, romance, and Hollywood style branding (with a spiritual twist) that ignites your life, then you don't want to miss this NEW, INNOVATIVE opportunity to learn directly from Jonathon and I in our PREVIEW call, April 29th from 4 pm - 5:15 pm PST.

(registered guests receive mp3 recording)

Click here to reserve your spot now

In gratitude,


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A week of social media marketing in 20 minutes?!

Hoot and Ping your way to success

Ok, so truth be told, we are all overwhelmed with our Social Media efforts BUT we know we must do this in order to be successful in our marketing, right?

So what’s the solution? We are entrepreneurs of balance these days. We value our sanity!

One of the core strategies I coach in my personality driven marketing coaching programs is focusing on REVENUE PRODUCING TIME and limiting all those time wasters and low paying tasks that take us away from higher paying activities and our genius (expertise). Here are two of the BEST tools out there to save you time and allow you to efficiently deliver your important Social Media.

HOOTSUITE. Hoot who? Yes, Hootsuite. And, Let me tell you about Hootsuite first.

Instead of logging in and out of social media all day all week, you can open one simple tool that manages all your major accounts on one tabbed screen. You can send, receive, and schedule messages on one or multiple social streams. Hootsuite is based on the TWITTER 140 character rule. Those of you who have Virtual Assistants, this is one of the smart tools they use to support you or

It’s simple and free.

Generally, I recommend you spend no more than 15-20 minutes a week for a handful of posts.

That’s all. If you pre-schedule up to 3 posts a day 4 days a week – you are doing better than most. Just pre-write your posts for an upcoming PR or promo campaign and then post them at Hootsuite and you are done for the week.

Sign up for the FREE account – add your FB, Twitter and Linked-In accounts and passwords. Follow directions for set up. Once you have the account up – you can begin posting in the top left corner. Every post must be 140 characters or less. Choose the accounts you want to send to. Choose NOW or schedule the posts ahead of time. THIS IS YOUR TIME SAVING BENEFIT and it’s so cool! I think it’s the best.

Here is what I see as the COOL 5 benefits:

1. Teamplayer: HootSuite is an awesome teamplayer. It makes it easy to manage multiple users over various social network accounts. If you have partners in business or an assistant, you both can have access.

2. Speak to me baby! Hootsuite tracks statistics. Graphs show not only a summary but also individual message statistics. Cool beans!

3. I can see it all! Never miss an update by that all important VIP with HootSuite's multiple columns feature. This is great—you can organize your social networks into friends, news, search terms, keyword tracking. Yes!

4. I love my sanity and time! Pre-schedule option. Post ahead of time and off you go!

5. So, how’s my brand doing? Check out the dashboard, then use the search bar to measure your brand name, topic or keyword and walahhh! Monitor your brand. Like what you see? Save the search as a column.; much more simple than Hootsuite. It does not have the multiple column feature but offers the same “one fell swoop” option. Post 140 characters message and choose which networks to go to and off it goes! There are special options and features to add if you like. Check it out. It’s free, too.

So, tell me something. Who thought of these names anyway? Have fun Pinging and Hooting your way to success!

What is your brand quotient? Ask me how to deliver authentic, dynamic personality driven marketing while building loyal friends, fans and raising your revenues!

© 2010

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? Please be my guest as long as you include this complete blurb: Marla Dennis, online marketing & mindset success coach with over two decades in entertainment public relations and talent management, publishes THE MASTERY IS IN THE MARKETING & MINDSET monthly ezine for conscious-driven, lifestyle entrepreneurs. Join her success circle of entrepreneurs who use social media and online marketing as powerful revenue producing activities while employing a wealth mindset to manifest increased results! Please visit and

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Being present in the moment

Miracles are constantly occurring around us. Serendipities abound in daily life. The issue is not that these miracles are absent. This issue is that we may be absent. Not present in the moment. We may be standing on a hill of diamonds and we are looking for the gold mine beyond the next ridge. As we reclaim ourselves, we begin to notice the extraordinariness of the ordinary. We quit thinking about the present and we start doing it. ----anonymous

In gratitude,


Online marketing & mindset success coach

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pour your heart into it!

I was smiling this morning when I read this posting on my Facebook wall:

"Hi Marla! I'm reading "Pour Your Heart Into It" by Howard Schultz (Starbucks CEO) and this quote made me think of you: "In this ever-changing society, the most powerful and enduring brands are built from the heart". xxoo, Jessica"

Amen. Being in love with your business is crucial to your success. Meaning, the passion you pour into your business every moment, every day will determine your success. I invite you to Fall in love with your business (if you have not already!)

In my 3-part audio series, I inspire your heart connection to your business, which is the seat of your creativity and passion. In appreciation for my loyal community of new and existing conscious-driven entrepreneurs, I am offering a sweetheart of a deal.

Now through midnight February 14th, you have the opportunity to invest in you, at a DIVINE LOVE discount, by purchasing one of several audio and coaching programs I currently offer. You can experience how and what I coach while expanding your mindset and your revenues for a fraction of the normal rates.

Which one best suits your needs or curiosity right now?

1. "How to be a heart-centered, enlightened & successful marketer who energetically attracts ideal clients, customers or patients" 3-part teleseries and workbook. This powerful series is for those who want to know or better understand how to use our an unseen force that partners with us in all we do. By using the Universal Law, we can increase our effectiveness and revenues. As an entrepreneur, we can apply this tool and knowledge to our marketing to enhance, expand, and increase our results.

Reg rate $99. Sweetheart deal: $59.

2. Have you wondered how to creatively use Facebook and Twitter to deliver an effective PR campaign that creates results? I have a 9-Point Checklist system that streamlines your efforts to make it simple to understand. Here's a chance to test-drive my Facebook/Twitter coaching while adding a tool to your smart marketing toolbox. I am imparting 20+ years of entertainment PR expertise and strategies translated to Social Media. Work with me for 75 minutes of VIP one-on-one phone coaching to discuss your Facebook efforts and use my 9 Point system.

Reg rate: $397. Sweetheart deal: $197.

3. You want more in-depth coaching to sharpen your Facebook efforts? Three 2-hour phone sessions (6 hours) to set you up for Strategic Facebook marketing. I call it: Facebook - the NEW PR Frontier: How to Build the Know, Like & Trust Factor While Creating Revenue Producing Time.

Reg rate: $897. Sweetheart deal: $697.

Spread the love. Please share with your friends, family, and associates. The special ends midnight Sunday.
Click the link for details and purchase.

It's all about love.

In gratitude,

Chief Inspiration Officer