Saturday, September 10, 2011

# 1 Hidden Fear Stopping Many Smart Entrepreneurs From Using Social Media

See that spotlight to the right?

It's yours.  

There is a very hidden fear for many smart, eager entrepreneurs when they approach Social Media, regardless of common technology fears.

That fear is "being seen" in a negative light.

Relate? So what happens when that fear is more emotionally charged than the logic of your brain knowing you should be using Social Media for business, often?

You don't show up.

And when you don't show up...there are lives you never enhance with your talents, expertise and gifts.

I know you know how important it is to use Facebook as a networking tool. You may have heard positive stories from your friends and associates in how using FB and Twitter attracted clients and customers; and even brought them closer to lost relatives and friends. BUT, emotionally that voice inside you says, "No way, I'm not getting out there!"

Guess what happens in my trainings when my students learn how to present a savvy, emotionally compelling personal brand that connects to their communities online?

TRANSFORMATION from the inside out, trust and belief.

Here's what happened to a client:  
gratitude rockWhen Caroline first started her training, she had so much fear about "showing up" on Facebook that she literally hid behind a "gratitude rock" as her profile photo. We laugh about it now but she was terrified because she had no idea how to present herself and what would people think?  (That's her actual photo)
Now she is a "Rock-Star" on Facebook with a thriving fan page and personal profile. She even has a private group page for her sales team and she is teaching and inspiring them how to use Facebook!Please visit her Fan page and "Like it" at Feminine Brilliance Awakened

This was a breakthrough for her on many levels and I know it can be for you, too.  

Learn how to Step Into the Spotlight with confidence and ease online and offline when we discover your personal brand on Thursday, Sept 15th in my LIVE in my 4-hour training in Beverly Hills.   
 And you can bring a friend for the price of one! Share in the tuition.
You will have the opportunity to coach with me in a small group of entrepreneurs. I have 2 more seats left. 

Jump in the car with a friend and come together for 4 hours (breaks included) to learn in a group setting with other women entrepreneurs.

I have several industries represented in the training. Real Estate, Photography, Make-Up Artistry, Video Marketing and yours?! 

The whole game of Facebook and networking will change for you once you know how to use the power of personal branding. This builds niche communities that convert to new clients, new members, new patients, and revenues.  

The 4-hour training, "Personal Branding Makeover to Illuminate Your Social Media Presence for Maximum Visibility & Increased Profits!" will shift how you use Facebook forever.

In an inspirational delivery, I walk you through an overview of my proven creative, savvy Facebook system and strategies to establishing the know, like & trust factor that convert new contacts to clients.  Join a group of eager, savvy women entrepreneurs on Sept 15th for your success! 

Questions? Call me at 310.378.1277 or email me:

In gratitude, 

Chief Inspiration Officer

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