Thursday, March 29, 2012

Branding Your Business Means Branding You

Join us for an evening designed for the professional woman who seeks a quality look and brand for her professional image and how to strategically market it on Social Media networks!

We’re almost sold out, and tickets are going fast. We have an exciting line-up of sponsors and raffle prizes, not to mention a night of education, networking and free treats!

Register now for your VIP admission by clicking on the link:

Here’s a couple of tips for you, so you can get a sneak peek of some of the content we’ll be sharing when you attend the event on April 5:

From Laura Weintraub, Founder and Creative Director of Classy & Chic Makeup Boutique and her upcoming "Beauty Tips and Tricks from the Inside Out" eBook!


If you can’t find time to meditate for at least a half hour a day, then break it up into ”mini moments” throughout the day! You can do this while you’re waiting for your computer to come on, having a coffee break, picking up kids, running errands, and the list goes on. There’s nothing like taking “mini moments” throughout the day to get still, breathe and take in a little bliss!


Tips from Marla, Chief Inspiration Officer of, and her business building eBook “Innovate Your Marketing with a Compelling Personal Brand”

Tip 1: Strategy

As an entrepreneur, the blending of your business brand as your personal brand is the secret to excelling in your marketing today. This allows you to be a savvy, innovative brand connecting with people worldwide and positioning you to have a global business.
In today's "Social Reward" economy, every business owner needs to think of herself as a brand; it's no longer an option, it's a necessity if you are to succeed in your marketing using Social Media today.

Tip 2: Mindset

Gratitude is a multiplier of good. The more you are in a state of gratitude for things small and large, seen or unseen, the more you effortlessly attract more good in your life. This is based on the “vibe” of your emotions. These emotions are of the highest vibrational frequency, and through the Law of Attraction they will attract even more to be thankful for.

We will cover these topics in more detail at the event!  

Join us for an evening designed for the professional woman who seeks a quality look and brand for her professional image and how to strategically market it on Social Media networks!

Register now for a VIP status or general admission by clicking on the link:

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