Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Simply Authentic: Inspired ideas that easily build the “know, like and trust factor”

One of the easiest ways to build the “know, like and trust factor” with your personal brand is marketing your passions. I was just on Facebook this morning to find fabulous examples of
passion branding.

We will show up most authentically when we are involved in what we love. I refer to that as “that which gives us life.” Now, that very well may be the work you do; but for the moment I am focused on you creating even more compelling content via your social media channels and attracting those of like minds and interests beyond your business expertise.

One of many ways I coach how to be a successful marketer is by being an organic storyteller while doing those passions you love.

Here are helpful examples of authentic passion branding:

1. A web designer/creative director created an art club for women locally to meet monthly and exhibit their masterpieces. They inspire each other and their community via their art. Love it! She shares her artwork on her profile page and markets the free exhibits.

2. A Realtor who loves exercise and bringing people together has been a Jazzercise instructor for years. She posts her photos and class info on Facebook. She brings together women for fun, wellness and community. Perfect.

3. A Chiropractor who loves helping under-served families in the Philippines started a non-profit feeding the children of these regions and posting stories and successes of his mission work. Beautiful way to build an authentic brand while creating the know, like and trust factor with his social media communities.

4. My passion for filmmaking (storytelling and writing) led me to joining forces with a past client who is a producer and writer in the entertainment industry. We are organically building a community online and now offline called Los Angeles Filmmakers Network. We created a meet up page (growing by the day - up to 80 members) and a new fan page. Our first meet up is in June (go to for registration details) and a workshop coming in the fall. Our purpose is to educate, inspire and transform lives through the art of filmmaking.

Our passions demonstrate the rich texture of our lives. Why not make them core to our authentic marketing? When my clients ask for “compelling” brand content ideas to post on Facebook, Twitter and in their ezines, I always recommend the easiest topic for them to be inspired by…their passions.  

Three ways to deliver YOU simply authentic online while building those important professional relationships and the “know, like” trust” factor:

1. Get involved with a non-profit. Post photos of events, volunteering, successes with fundraising. Create a private FB group page and invite other compassionate people to engage.

2. Create a fan page or group page around your passion and build a community of like minds. Promote the page in all your marketing. Remember, emotionally compelling content builds a strong human brand that attracts those of similar interests.

3. Create a meet up page (easy) around your passion and watch how it organically grows without you being there! The Meet up site now has excellent marketing tools to help you. I’m totally impressed how meet up has upped their game. For my one hour audio on how to organically grow an audience via meet up, join my social media savvy club at

My core marketing belief is Social Media is about collaboration, creativity and increase for all. When you share your passions you are inspiring others to do the same. And that makes for a better world all the way around.

For more personal branding ideas and strategies, go to for my step-by-step home study program to take your business to the next level. You’ll learn a whole new set of rules, strategies and systems in order to thrive in our ever-evolving economic climate; those who embrace the change will be poised for success.

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