Monday, January 7, 2013

Go BOLD or Risk Being Lost in the Online Density!

We all jumped into 2013 with a blast of high energy. Did you feel it, too? The talk out there is how abundant 2013 will be as a result of the BIG energetic shift we had all year long that led up to 12-21-12. 

Well it’s no coincidence all the online experts are pointing to 2013 as being the year of compelling content, which is required for strong Google rankings, better engagement in your social media channels and better online community building. It follows then how even more important it is to stand out today with your brand given the volume and density of online content. So, let’s go a step further. 

I’m claiming 2013 as the year of compelling BOLDER brand content which moves people to action even more! It’s the year of being bolder, more gutsy, and breaking more rules in not only your content and brand but how you operate in your business!

Kate White, former editor-in-Chief of Cosmo magazine now on her own to pursue a global speaking and author platform, is known for being a “rule breaker” in the magazine industry. As an author of four career books and eight novels, she takes no prisoners when it comes to being bold in the world. 

Her latest speaking campaign “Go Big or Go Home,” originated from a conversation she had with an employee one day while working at Cosmo. The employee said, “Go BIG or GO Home” referring to when she goes out on the town in New York. She said “If you don’t go out with the idea that you’ll have a heck of a good time - don’t even bother.”  This hit a chord with Kate applying it to doing projects at COSMO. 

So with a new mindset in hand, each time she and her staff wrote cover lines for the cover of COSMO – she would ask go “Can we go bolder?” “Can we do it differently to take it to a new level?” She remarks, “If Jay Leno was not mocking our cover lines at least once a month I was not doing my job!”

What can you do that is more bold, more gutsy with your personal brand content? How can you be different and bolder in your content on your fan page, your ezine, your blog articles and headlines, your videos and video scripts, video headlines, etc.? 

Ask yourself each time – “Have I done it?” Simply asking yourself as you write your content for your marketing could this be BOLDER? Is there another approach? How can you break the mold and break the rules to stand out in your industry? 

Mega fashion icon Kate Spade took the BOLD route back when she was just starting out with a line of black nylon handbags. She felt they were simple, different, light, and easy. It was 11 pm at night and she was getting ready for a trade show the next day – her first of many to sell her fashion bags to the wholesalers. But as she sat there she realized there really was not anything interesting for the eye to go to. She felt these are good but not good enough. 

So she got out a pair of nail scissors and went into each bag and cut out her “Kate Spade New York” tag from inside the bag and sewed them on the outside of the bag. Now that was breaking the rules. Unless you were some big name designer back then, you didn’t place the name tags on the outside of the bag! But she did it with guts and glory! And that’s what she is known for now. Kate Spade is a multi-million dollar fashion brand today. Her willingness to go gutsy, bolder and break the rules made history for her. 

Now let’s look at how you can begin making a difference with your brand! Here are 3 tips to start the process of being BOLD, DIFFERENT & GUTSY in your compelling content:

  1. Find a mentor who speaks your language. Is she or he where you want to be? Does their online content inspire you and help you feel bolder, more gutsy? Follow them for a while observing how their personal brand shows up on YouTube, blogs, TV, radio, magazines, ezines, etc. I found my writing muse, Kate White, on a freelance writing site that led to her site and many YouTube videos. I’m thrilled!
  2. Start within by letting go of self-imposed limitations. Do whatever it takes to THINK BIGGER, BOLDER. Make small successes along the way to build your confidence and turn yourself into BOLD player.  Let your mentor carry the belief in you before you can carry it yourself. See beyond your current level of content and continue to ask yourself, “Is there another approach to communicating my expertise? Can I do this article bolder? Can I write this headline bolder? Can I be more gutsy in my image?”
  3. Spend an hour a week planning how you will evolve your business and brand in a BOLD way. Invest the time and emotion in where you are headed. Always anticipate the road ahead. Go BOLD and BREAK THE RULES!
For an inspirational 30 min DISCOVERY CALL in "HOW TO GO BOLD or Risk Being Lost in the Online Density" for 2013 -  Email my office to schedule. 

With gratitude,  

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Chief Inspiration Officer 
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Personal Branding, Business Innovation,
and Social Media Savvy Expert

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