Monday, February 25, 2013

"I am my own brand!" - Client story

Ok we are on a roll with the BE BOLD in your BRAND series giving you real experiences of clients who stepped up and invested their time and talent to learn how to rise above the online density!  My next innovative, savvy client to share is the bright & beautiful Courtney Hermann of Healthy Makeovers. She provides expertise in
holistic health, nutrition, and lifestyle coaching.

She came to me wanting an ezine and better understanding of her brand strategy. She was already savvy online and had a good understanding of her fan page, but there were very important strategies she was missing. We had a great time designing her brand system.

Explain how you viewed Personal Branding, Online Marketing, and Social Media prior to participating in the program and how it changed after completing:

"I thought I really had to keep my personal brand separate from my business when in reality I am my own brand! I knew how important Social Media and Online marketing were before starting the program but I was not doing what I needed to do. I kept putting everything on the backburner and just needed that guidance and accountability to get these things done. Now I have a fantastic opt-in guide to give as a free gift, a monthly e-zine filled with new and repurposed content, and a better understanding of what people want to see in someone they would consider working with."

Your most profound change in my mindset from the program we worked on…

"It’s still a work in progress but mostly the value of what my program and I am worth.  Also the fact that narrowing down a target market and “speaking to” your ideal client is much more valuable than appealing to a broader public.

"Your top three strategies, tools, or techniques you learned in the program that potentially can make the biggest difference in your marketing:

"Definitely my Ezine, the strategy within social media, and how to package my programs.
I loved working with you and thought you provided me with so much value it really was a “priceless” program."

Thank you Courtney! Smart cookie! Loved working with her.

You, too can learn to be more BOLD, more clear, and more savvy with your brand when you commit to attending next week's March 6th event: "Be BOLD. Be Brilliant. Break the Rules!" monthly speaking series in the South Bay March 6th at Equinox Spa!   

**Meet in the Lobby area for Networking and Refreshments. Free parking in Equinox lot. (Arrive early to assure a good parking spot).

6:30 - 7:00 pm Registration & Arrivals
7:00 - 7:30 Networking & Refreshments
7:30 - 8:30 Presentation in Spa Conference Room upstairs
8:30 - 9:00 Q & A  

bold shot
I'm partnering with the lovely and talented Laura Weintraub of Classy & Chic Make-Up Boutique and Weintraub Photography. Our partnership was born out of our passion for naturally bringing the brilliance out of you! Our secret? We start from the inside out.   

To be BOLD in a brand, you not only need compelling content, strategy and a system in all your marketing, but you need a savvy look and photo to bring out the BRILLIANCE in your essence.  That's Laura's long standing expertise!  

We are bringing together a community of savvy entrepreneurs for an evening of networking, inspiration and education.Click here for details and registration. It's only $20 pre-event and $25 at the door (cash only). Bring your friends! We want to meet you!  

With gratitude,  

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Chief Inspiration Officer 
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Personal Branding & Business Innovation Expert for Small
Business and Multi-Million Dollar Companies

Friday, February 22, 2013

"Be BOLD. Be Brilliant. Break the Rules!" Client Story

Yeah! The start of BE BOLD in your BRAND email series, I am featuring several clients over the next few weeks who stepped up and invested their time and talent to learn how to rise above the online density!  I'm pulling back the curtain for you to see behind the scenes how business owners like yourself can innovate, BE BOLD and raise their visibility for new revenues.

I'm proud to give you the first Spotlight - Dr. David Noonan came to me after he researched several social media/online marketing experts. He was already savvy in his marketing, but did not realize he needed a defined personal brand and system to maximize his online presence.  

As a tribute to David and his courage to pursue neck disc replacement surgery, I chose to spotlight his business. What a trooper! He flew all the way to Germany for this special surgery and now he's on the road to recovery. Being a brilliant Chiropractor who walks his talk, he had to do this much needed surgery. He's sharing his journey via his blog. Join him in wishing a speedy recovery!

Here's his branding story:

"As a doctor of chiropractic I have the pleasure of serving many people and that is the greatest thing about my profession and my vocation.

Reaching these people with my message of health however is not something that is taught in professional school. And with the advance of the internet and social media and me not growing up in the computer age let alone texting and tweeting, it is of little surprise that I found myself needing help with my online presence and getting my message out there.

Now, I was keeping up as well as I could…you know, I had a Facebook page and I was posting and slowly building a following and picking up a tip here and there (sound familiar?), but my message was never consistent nor did I have a strategy for it being so.

I went to a social media event and was taught a way to find certain types of people on Facebook, and it worked. That is how I found Marla Dennis and I’m sure glad I did. She was able to lie out a strategy for advancing my “brand” through my newsletters and social media.

As I’ve learned over the years (sometimes the hard way) that business runs best on systems, and that is exactly what Marla had to offer. She laid out a plan and then walked me through it showing step by step how to recirculate my articles through different media outlets and how to schedule and manage each post to maximize the effectiveness.

Applying her system has allowed me to interact with my current base more often and effectively and also to expand my reach to others who otherwise wouldn’t have found my messages.

I appreciate Marla Dennis not only for her expertise, but for her kindness and understanding throughout the process. She is truly an asset to all who seek her help."

So appreciate you David!

Branding is more than clever posts on Facebook and a cool looking logo. Create your own economy! Join Laura Weintraub and I for our "Be BOLD. Be Brilliant. Break the Rules!" monthly speaking series in the South Bay March 6th at Equinox Spa!  

With gratitude,  

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Chief Inspiration Officer 
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Personal Branding & Business Innovation Expert for Small
Business and Multi-Million Dollar Companies

Friday, February 8, 2013

FIVE COMPELLING reasons why you don't want to miss delivering an ezine

1. Your personality is power. No one can duplicate who you are. As a result, you take yourself out of the competition. It doesn't matter if your competition is down the street; when you reach out to your market in a personal way and nurture that relationship online via your custom personality-driven ezine, you hedge the competition and build more loyal clients, contacts. In today's overly saturated market, you MUST be consistent with your online marketing to build the know, like & trust factor. (Even if you think it's not necessary).

2. Relationships. Your clients (audience) who read your ezine (and I know many do based on the reports at constant contact) see you as a real person on the other side of the computer screen. You are no longer just an office blasting out impersonal info. This is relationship building every month year round. Your email list is your hidden gold, regardless of how much you think it does or does not generate money. People need connection; just like you. Your referrals come from the ezine whether you realize it not. The reader may not email you after reading the ezine, but instead decide to call you, reach out on FB, your blog and more. Ezine’s inspire your list to take an action.

3. Perception is a BIG deal. When you are consistent in delivering an ezine, you are seen as an innovative business with savvy marketing and content for the subscriber.  Consistency is key. Ezines are often a retention based tool, and that is worth its weight in gold.

4. When your permission based readers genuinely like you and believe you offer them a value with your articles, tips, and info - they look forward to hearing from you (really!). In your ezine, always deliver value, connection, and something personal to keep feeding the loyalty. They will pay attention when you have a new product or service. They gave you permission to do so by agreeing to receive your ezine.

5. And, it's all about timing for people when it comes to calling the office. The more you show up in their email box with fun, innovative, interesting, personalized info the better chance you have of a new client, contact or patient.

Please do not mistake the power of an ezine. The voice of your ezine is very important even if you think people don't feel that way. They do.

Happy creating and building relationships!

With gratitude,  

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Chief Inspiration Officer 
Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterView our profile on LinkedIn

Personal Branding & Business Innovation Expert for Small
Business and Multi-Million Dollar Companies

Friday, February 1, 2013

Follow Your True North and the Masses Will Come

Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes. The inspiration I am about to share comes in the shape of a loving female dog named Ricochet. The message to the story is "Find Your True North and the Masses Will Come."

For us business owners large and small, we know deep inside when we follow our hearts and listen within - we will be led to the answers we seek. I am a believer of "that which we seek is seeking us; or it would not be in our consciousness."

When establishing your personal brand, you must:

1. Connect and honor what brings you joy - pay attention - that is your creative voice asking to be expressed. For just 3 days - listen to your "inner barometer" - make a conscious effort to notice your "energy" (how it feels) around every task, event, project, phone call, email that you do. Then jot down what is a toleration and what has a "zing" to it. Be honest with yourself.

2. Get quiet enough to hear and FEEL the message coming from within. And then stay true to that message - no matter what. 

3. With that list - you will find the few "magical" items that truly sing to your talents, illuminate your brilliance and feed your passions. Success leaves clues. The rest -- well you know -- delegate. See, your genius work (the most important items to focus your time on to get the best ROI) consists of the items on that list in #1 that come easy to you and are most natural.

4. Now you have a "True North" compass to inspire you to develop programs, products, and content for your website, fan page, Twitter feed, and more.

In this video, world famous service dog, Ricochet, never liked the training expectations her owner had for her. She resisted. But one day she found her true calling and this made her a household name changing lives of millions. Ricochet's service was unique to the canine service industry. She helps 100's of disabled surfers feel safe and enjoy their dream of surfing. How healing is that? What a powerful FUN purpose. Ricochet also went on to raise over $100K in funds for animal causes around the world.

 "None of this would have happened if Ricochet had not stayed true to herself and followed her heart. I wanted her to make a difference in one life but she made a difference in millions of lives," ---Ricochet's owner.

Please make time to watch the video (have tissues on hand) and be ready to be inspired to your true north. Your branding will depend on it. Trust me.

Click here to watch.  

With gratitude,  
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Chief Inspiration Officer 
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Personal Branding, Business Innovation,
and Social Media Savvy Expert for the small
business owner and multi-million dollar lifestyle companies