Monday, July 22, 2013

Have You Crossed Over Yet? What it Takes to be a "Marketable" Brand

I'm in a recent VIP strategy day with clients and one of their main frustrations that kept them from marketing fully (so common) was this:  "What do I reveal and how much do I reveal in my content for Social Media and my marketing?" 

The real reason for this confusion is not so much the content (although that is crucial to building your reputation and tribe online) but understanding this one powerful strategy: your business brand and personal brand are ONE in the same. Now some of you may be saying, "I do this already."

Ok, but I encourage you to read through this article and see where you probably are not as thorough as you may think. (I want you to succeed!)

I believe this is the most challenging mindset to shift and strategy to understand for business owners large and small today who want to innovate their business online. I work with both the small business owner (solo and a team) and the multi-million dollar corporations - it's THE most common issue I find hands-down. We are so programmed to communicate personally and formally in our two different worlds that we miss the most important strategy that causes conversion ($$).

Our world has become much more personal and informal, but it must be communicated in a SAVVY way. 

So for those emerging and progressive business owners who are still of the mindset that personal and business are separate when it comes to branding; and don't have a clearly defined personal brand YET; there are simple strategies to merge the two. No worries. No fault of your own. We all come from the same mindset and business marketing training. Bravo to those who step up and INNOVATE their brand to speak to their sophisticated consumer. You will succeed.

The blending of your business brand as your personal brand is the secret to excelling in your marketing which allows you to be a savvy, innovative brand connecting with people locally and worldwide positioning you to have a solid local or global business. The celebrities I worked with in the entertainment industry for over 22 years have this strategy down pat.

Here are benefits, mindsets and action tips to begin your innovation crossover to be a SAVVY BOLD brand: 

1. Think of yourself (not the business) as a brand and understand it's no longer an option; it's a necessity regardless of business size – you will succeed in your marketing especially using Social Media channels to engage and build your audience and tribe. Your key to building your savvy reputation online is this mindset.

2. Understand the abundance of savvy consumers today require an authentic relationship online. They want to get to KNOW, LIKE, AND TRUST you before they consider hiring you, buying from you, or recommending you.  Your BOLD personal brand will drive value into your business like no other strategy online due to the vital importance of peer-to-peer marketing.

3. Start by changing over all your content to be in 1st person conversational; like you are talking to that ONE ideal client or customer – because you are. That includes newsletter, blog, videos, expert articles, website home page, website “about” page, and social media posts. Pull your reader or viewer (video) in. Do it BOLDLY. Meaning, come out of the box with your delivery, content, confidence, and style.

4. By delivering a video or the written word as a well-defined personal brand (authentic, real, no masks) in all your marketing channels you are poised to win. The quality of your postings and content become more compelling, BOLD, and "marketable."

5. Reveal enough personality (notice I didn’t write personal info) into all your expert and social content to build curiosity, interest, intrigue and inspiration. I’m giving you permission to be ALL of you; not a carbon copy of someone else. Get inspired by a mentor or colleague, but embrace all of you – the quirks, the strengths, the brilliant you and communicate it with NO apologies.

I promise you will stand out in the online density and convert to revenues if you master these 5 starting points and then... learn more strategies! 

I'd love your comments and thoughts below. Let me know if you struggle with this or found a way to innovate your brand and content!


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Chief Inspiration Officer
Embrace Your Spotlight

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Elaine Wellman said...

Marla this such a fantastic post! It's so important for all of us to understand and your tips are awesome! Thanks so much.

Marla said...

Elaine-- thank you! Hope this helps you with your Happiness Biz! Love YOUR branding. :)

Unknown said...

Great post Marla! As an artist and and artist coach It really resonated with me. I'm going to go back and make sure I'm applying #3!! :)

Marla said...

Oh good Jennifer! # 3 is so important for you! We come from the same world of arts & entertainment! I worked with visual and performing artists in my publicist days! Thanks for stopping by!

Tammy Gibson said...

I agree 100%! I teach this same concept with fashion and beauty. Your brand and your style must be congruent. YOU are your brand and business. The first impression you give is the first impression of your business. It is so important to be authentic :) Thanks for your great insight!

Marla said...

Thank you Tammy! Not only is it important to be congruent but this strategy allows you to monetize your branding while navigating social media and email marketing! Fun!

Mia Rose said...

Hi Marla,
I appreciate this post so much. I know I have much to learn about branding!
Warm wishes,
Mia Rose

Marla said...

Mia! Thank you. Branding is a tricky thing that has so many layers. starts with you as the core. Branding is who you are;not what you do. xo