Laura Weintraub, South Bay’s renowned beauty expert and style director of Classy and Chic Make-up Boutique, is my co-producer for this inspiring evening event scheduled for January 26th. This New Year South Bay (Los Angeles) kick-off event is designed as an elegant evening of networking, make-up artistry education, and strategic social media training for the entrepreneurial and professional woman.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Glam, Bling, & Social Media Style for 2012!
Laura Weintraub, South Bay’s renowned beauty expert and style director of Classy and Chic Make-up Boutique, is my co-producer for this inspiring evening event scheduled for January 26th. This New Year South Bay (Los Angeles) kick-off event is designed as an elegant evening of networking, make-up artistry education, and strategic social media training for the entrepreneurial and professional woman.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
7 Benefits to Having a Clear, Compelling Personal Brand Positioning You as Client Attractive
Your Personal Branding and Social Media Savvy Muse!
Step into the Spotlight!
Marketing, Mindset & Money Mastery coaching programs
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Gratitude Giveaway!
How did you like the 5 Smart Tips and Tools for the NEW Facebook I posted last week?
Did you implement any of the applications, read the non-profit Facebook tips, download the fan page storefront app or download my NEW eBook excerpt from, Quick-Start Secrets to a Compelling Personal Brand, Now!" - How to INNOVATE your marketing to THRIVE in our SOCIAL REWARD economy?
In the spirit of GRATITUDE and THANKSGIVING, I am kicking off a week long GIVEAWAY campaign starting Monday Nov 21st that requires a few simple steps for you to be a possible winner!
Since my mission is to elevate business owners with innovative technologies and strategies in order to THRIVE in our "Social Reward" economy, I want to give you a running start! There is one requirement I have for you. Are you willing to partner with me on contributing the energy of GRATITUDE throughout Facebook? Let's have fun, ok? Come on - play with me!
Here's what's happening Thanksgiving week Nov 21-27 (Midnight PST):
1. I want to help THREE eager entrepreneurs begin to elevate their business for 2012, so I am GIVING AWAY 3 copies of my "QUICK-START SECRETS to a COMPELLING Personal Brand" eBook! Curious what the eBook is? Click here BUT come back to the details here.
2. All you must do is "Like" my fan page, Social Media Savvy, if you are not a fan yet, by clicking here. Once at the page in order to qualify to be one of 3 possibly chosen for a GIFTED COPY of my eBook, you MUST post something you are GRATEFUL for on the wall at my fan page. Make it compelling!
3. If you are already a fan, awesome! All you need to do to qualify is you MUST post something you are GRATEFUL for on the wall at my fan page. Make it compelling! Click here
4. My team and I will choose 3 COMPELLING gratitude posts to be the 3 winners! The winners will be announced and acknowledged on my fan page and personal page on Monday, Nov 28th after the holiday weekend. You will need to give us your email if you are a winner. The 34- page HIGH CONTENT eBook is an easy digital download we will email you.
This GRATITUDE GIVEAWAY accomplishes several things:
a. We get to spread the energy of gratitude to all our Facebook communities because gratitude is a multiplier of good. The more you are grateful the more you receive things to be grateful for!
b. I am able to generously enhance and gift the lives of three chosen entrepreneurs who see the value in learning how to be INNOVATIVE in today's SOCIAL REWARD economy.
c. You just might receive a very unexpected surprise from "left field" because of contributing gratitude energy!
Ready to jump into the Gratitude Giveaway? Click here
Monday, November 14, 2011
5 Smart Tools and Tips for the NEW Facebook
1. To be entertained, inspired, or educated.
This list is chock-full of progressive advice, solutions to challenges, and can be entertaining, inspiring and of course educational. :) Would enjoy your feedback here by posting a comment!
Click here - 10 ways non-profits can benefit from Social Media
2. Your personal brand is so crucial to your success on social media channels due to building the know, like, & trust factor. It's not just about your fan page. You are building relationships first. This one tool (custom and smart lists) will save you time and make your efforts much more effective in getting your posts to the correct audience! Click on the title here for an excerpt from my NEW "QUICK START SECRETS TO A COMPELLING PERSONAL BRAND: How to INNOVATE your marketing to THRIVE in our SOCIALL REWARD economy!" eBOOK (read through first few paragraphs of the directed page for the download link)
5. Excellent article on "How to Humanize Your Company with Social Media." Click here
Saturday, October 29, 2011
May the Joy Rise Within You. Thanks Oprah!
Given that Oprah's daytime show for 25 years was on at 4 pm daily, I rarely had the luxury to watch the show. Either my work as a publicist had me watching her a few times for clients or I would grab snippets here and there on YouTube or late night repeats, but never a consistent diet of Oprah. I admit, I am an Oprah believer and student now.
How my life could have been different had I embraced her long before this, I don't know.
But, I do know I am seriously grateful for becoming an Oprah Life Class student 5 nights a week. Her Life Class is now part of my personal development/spiritual practice.
I had no idea to the depth of her influence in people's lives until this past few weeks. I was brought to tears last night more than once in watching just how much joy she gives to others. I was in awe as I watched Oprah last night demonstrate her true meaning of JOY RISING when she took an entire audience (several 100) to the magical country of Australia last year and how they paid it forward to many in their lives once back home due to her gracious gift.
These several hundred people had major life changing experiences as a result of their Australian experience with Oprah. During the Life Class show she recorded interviews of several people today who attended that trip and how the experience changed their lives. Remarkable. Talk about paying it forward! Many stepped into non-profit work, gave back to their communities, and forged new relationships that never would have occurred had they not been graced by Oprah's generosity. Now that's a movement like I have never seen before.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Entrepreneurs are a rare breed fueling our economy
In 2009, while I was being mentored by Fabienne in her group program, I watched her go from $350,000 revenues to over $1 million in revenues inside of 9 months (yes!) while being mentored by David Neagle, another master mindset and Universal Law coach who earns well over multiple millions coaching others to do the same.
Now don’t be fooled. There is a ton of action to go with this, but mindset is critical FIRST to your results.
I know you have heard that many times from me and you will continue to because you can never be the success you really want (and beyond) without integrating mindset into the equation.
I just implemented several of her techniques for the umpteenth time. I'm excited to see what comes of it. It always works.
Below is the link to her FREE download, “Quick-Start Guide to Attracting 3 New Clients this Month.” She writes, there is no catch, no opt-in, nothing. Just plain giving.
It's up for a limited time, so don't delay. This guide normally goes for $39 on her site. I have used the techniques in this guide over the last 2 yrs with great results. I would never recommend something that is a waste of your time or has limited results.
Try something new this week, actually read the guide, and let me know what happens by commenting here on the blog, ok? Enjoy it... Click here for Quick-start-3-clients-mindset-techniques
In gratitude,
Monday, September 26, 2011
Why is storytelling so important to your brand
Excerpt from my NEW Personal Branding Business eGuide - this guide a must-have in our "Social Reward" economy ~
"Why is storytelling so important to your
People connect to stories. They are humanizing. People can
relate to brands through stories. We are looking to tell your story,
your life via your brand that inspires others to take an action. Then,
the tech tools make sense and become easy.
Your personal brand is your mark in the world as an authentic, natural, organic, expression of who you are.
The content of your personal brand creates a strong emotional
connection to the heart, mind, spirit, and soul of your market. This is
where conversion happens. Here’s what you must do first. Define the
compelling YOU.
Ok, now I know you may be saying, “Does my life
really need to be told? Are the every day personal and business
struggles, successes, and challenges really make a difference for
others? Yes. More than you’ll ever know. Trust me, read on."
Your $47 eGuide investment will change the way you show up and interact on Social Media forever. Begin your new results today.
In gratitude,
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
As a business owner, how do you WIN in our "Social Reward" economy?
Saturday, September 10, 2011
# 1 Hidden Fear Stopping Many Smart Entrepreneurs From Using Social Media
That fear is "being seen" in a negative light.
Relate? So what happens when that fear is more emotionally charged than the logic of your brain knowing you should be using Social Media for business, often?
You don't show up.
And when you don't show up...there are lives you never enhance with your talents, expertise and gifts.
I know you know how important it is to use Facebook as a networking tool. You may have heard positive stories from your friends and associates in how using FB and Twitter attracted clients and customers; and even brought them closer to lost relatives and friends. BUT, emotionally that voice inside you says, "No way, I'm not getting out there!"
TRANSFORMATION from the inside out, trust and belief.
You will have the opportunity to coach with me in a small group of entrepreneurs. I have 2 more seats left.
I have several industries represented in the training. Real Estate, Photography, Make-Up Artistry, Video Marketing and yours?!
In an inspirational delivery, I walk you through an overview of my proven creative, savvy Facebook system and strategies to establishing the know, like & trust factor that convert new contacts to clients. Join a group of eager, savvy women entrepreneurs on Sept 15th for your success!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
My heart goes out this guy who is a friend in my Facebook community. He writes in his profile info section:
"This is a new profile. My last one had over 3,000 friends that over half of them were spamming me and sticking me in groups I didn't ask to be in."
So he started over.
Can you imagine what a waste of time and frustration that must have been for him? He's a busy professional and was hoping to build a culture of like minds and potential clients. I hope he has a new strategy so he doesn't create the same result.
Friends, this is why I advocate using a target market strategy when building your cultures and communities. Please be MINDFUL who you accept in your communities; this builds the right audience for your message :)
I'm going to make it easy for you to learn how to build your online communities with savvy and class for you, the small business owner, on Thursday, Sept 15th LIVE in my 4-hour training in Beverly Hills.
The deadline for the early rate ends Friday Sept 2 midnight. BUT I am going to sweeten the deal. For the next 24 hours till midnight Sept 1 - I am giving you the power of a personal brand in collaboration with how to use Facebook's tools and apps training for $97! That's $100 off the early rate! It's $197 now and goes up to $297 on Saturday. Grab a seat - I only have a few left in my private training room.
I use High Tech with High Touch.
The whole game of Facebook will change for you once you know how to use the power of personal branding (in a strategic, savvy way). This builds niche communities that convert to new clients, new members, new patients, and revenues.
Clients have to say...
"I'm so very grateful for the clarity that is presenting itself as I've been working with you on my personal brand. What seemed to be a struggle is now becoming easier than I could have imagined. I can hardly wait for our next session. Thank you Marla! Have a beautiful day!"
-- Brenda Morken, Financial Advocate for Women and Children's Fiscal Well Being
I'm delivering the intro training for the small business entrepreneur who wants a quick but comprehensive education in how to build relationships for business using Facebook.
The training, "Personal Branding Makeover to Illuminate Your Social Media Presence for Maximum Visibility & Increased Profits!" will shift how you use Facebook forever.
I'll walk you through an overview of my proven creative, savvy Facebook system and secrets to establishing the know, like & trust factor that convert new contacts to clients.
Remember, the $97 investment goes away Thursday eve at midnight. I would love to be your guide to helping you streamline your time and strategize your efforts to make smart contacts and revenues on Facebook.
Let's collaborate with other small business owners on Sept 15th for your success!
Here's the registration details.
I'll open my phone to questions. Call me if you have questions. 310.378.1277.
In gratitude,
Monday, August 22, 2011
I change up the entire game of Facebook when we begin developing your personal brand
As a driven, savvy entrepreneur, you are on Facebook and Twitter (perhaps mostly Facebook) and you are somewhat comfortable with some of the tools, applications, and pages.
However, you know there are strategies to use on Facebook for business but have no idea what they are - so you plug along at it with no real plan or strategy. You just know the visibility on Facebook, when done correctly, is very powerful for business.
But, you admit to yourself it feels like you are wasting a lot of time and it’s too overwhelming. And furthermore, all those changes constantly happening on Facebook has you frustrated and guessing most of the time, which is not a smart use of your precious time.
I know. I hear this all the time. When my clients come to me for private in-depth training and coaching over several months, I change up the entire game of Facebook when we begin developing their personal brand – and that’s when the lights go on and my clients begin to see the big picture. And then they get excited.
Really excited.
I want you to experience a similar success. I have designed a small private group setting for an entry level investment just for you. I know there are several of you in the local Los Angeles and Orange County areas who really want help and have been hoping for this expertise, but either time or money has stopped you.
I have the answer to your dilemma on Sept 15th live in Los Angeles up close and personal.
Read on.
The Missing Piece in Your Social Media Marketing System That Dramatically Slows Your List Building!
As an eager and driven entrepreneur today, you probably know all your consistent Social Media activities not only help you build quality, valued relationships; deliver a smart, savvy brand while converting your communities to clients; as it strengthens your SEO position. But have you thought about how it affects your website and list building?
Here’s the scenario:
Your intention with your social media marketing is to brand and build visibility. Ideally you drive traffic to your website or blogsite from your Tweets, personal and/or fan page activities, Youtube videos, and group interactions on LinkedIn. Your new friends visit your website to check out your smart content. They are on the site for a few minutes intrigued by your expertise but don’t have much time to finish.
Here’s where the rubber meets the road with effective social media marketing.
Is your site optimized to capture their email so you have the luxury of communicating with them over and over? Or do they leave your site and maybe return later or never?
Does that visitor have the quick option to take advantage of your generous giveaway by entering their email address so they can rush off to their next task knowing you will be sending more great content to enhance their life?
Now I know many of you are very savvy about this. But there are still hundreds I see who have innovative looking sites but they have no compelling invitation for visitors to opt-in to their email list or ezine (electronic personalized magazine or newsletter). Or their opt-in is hidden on the page or the invite is a plain "Join my list."
This is where many fall short and wonder why their online marketing efforts lag behind. A regularly scheduled personalized (1st person conversational) ezine is critical in building the KNOW LIKE and TRUST factor in collaboration with Social Media marketing; even if you think ezines are passé and no one wants to opt-in to another free giveaway!
Ezines are still one of your best relationship building tools today. Don’t fool yourself.
Savvy online marketers always provide an opt-in at their website to help build their private email list to a permission-based database. These people are interested in you. They want more. Now you have a full marketing system.
Here are the 4 reasons why an ezine is STILL powerful regardless of what you may have heard lately:
1. Your personality is your best asset in today’s marketing. No one can duplicate who you are. As a result, you take yourself out of the competition. When you reach out to your clients in a personal way consistently online (pace it – don’t overwhelm them) and nurture that relationship online (as well as offline) via your custom personality-driven ezine, you hedge the competition and build more loyal clients. In today's overly saturated market, you MUST be consistent with your online marketing to build the know, like & trust factor. (even if you think it's not necessary).
2. Relationships. Your subscribers do read your ezine, that’s why they signed up. They see you as a real person on the other side of the computer screen. You are no longer just a business office blasting out info. You are a human running a biz. You are relatable. This is relationship building every week or month year round. Your email list is your hidden gold, regardless of how much you think it does or does not generate money. People need nurturing and connection; just like you. Your referrals come from the ezine whether you realize it not. It’s revenue generating.
3. When your readers genuinely like you and believe you offer them a value with your articles, tips, and info - they look forward to hearing from you (really!). Always deliver value, connection, and something personal to keep feeding the loyalty. They will pay attention when you have a new product or service to offer. They gave you permission to do so by agreeing to receive your ezine.
4. And, it's all about timing for people when it comes to reaching out to you or calling the office. The more you show up in their email box with fun, innovative, interesting, personal info the better chance you have of a new client, fan, industry contact, joint venture.
There's my soapbox! Please do not neglect the power of your ezine. The voice of your ezine is very important even if you think people don't feel that way. They do.
Would love to have you JOIN my entrepreneurial community ezine! Join in the column to your right.
Much gratitude,