Monday, July 18, 2011

Raising your standards = all the rewards vs. just good results

Personal branding in business today is not a luxury; it's a necessity if you are to hedge the
competition and stand out among the sea of entrepreneurs who are marketing without a brand.

See, as business owners, we need to be delivering a brand; not marketing a business.

I am encouraging you to raise your standards in how you market so that you are in alignment with the way our NEW economy is requiring us to be and do.

Raising your standards (in anything) can look like this:

Direct from Tony Robbins' philosophy - the following illustration fits well with evaluating your level of standards in your marketing and how one small significant change can take you from good to outstanding in your results.

It all begins and ends with raising your standards in life. Here are the results you can expect from being poor, good, excellent, or outstanding in whatever you do. Starting at poor standards, you have quite a way to go to move up to the good category. Then there is still another big jump from good to excellent. But, the gap between excellent and outstanding is one small, significant step to creating all the rewards.

(Check out the graph by clicking on the image)

Ready to raise your standards? Start by emailing me at or calling 310.378.1277 with a request for a complimentary private personal branding discovery call.

We will raise your standards and design a plan to create outstanding results. Taking requests for the discovery calls ONLY till Friday July 22.

In support of your success,

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

From Plainsville to Hollywood

I'm using my Hollywood Red Carpet days to help you brand YOU. A personal brand can be powerful even outside of Hollywood! So let's take you from Plainsville to Hollywood to illuminate your voice, image and message.

And it all starts from the inside out.

Who are you to your market? Are they clear with your message? Your expertise? How you can be the solution to their challenge? How about how YOU feel about you? What passions light you up? Where do you most feel alive? The answers to these questions (and more) make a potent brand.

Today's social media marketing requires us to be a SAVVY personal brand with compelling content that resonates with your market. And I might add, "content is queen" in the world of social media. Be outstanding in your content, which is part of your brand, and you will have the world at your fingertips.

So where do you start?

Click here for my
Top 10 Facebook Strategies That Save Time and Frustration and Turn YOU into a Savvy, Smart Marketer Who Creates Results.

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Secret to Success in Social Media is "Be Resourceful!"

Does this scenario sound familiar?

You are looking for a specific niche or industry to connect to. You search for that name in the search box on Facebook. Let's say your target market is women interior designers who cater to upscale-high end homeowners who are seeking custom made closets and cabinetry.

You enter the name "Interior Designers" and maybe add a specific location or specialty. What comes up much like Google is fan & group pages and people that match that name. You find several Interior Designers and go "like" their page. You might even post a few hellos or comments on the fan page to start the connection.

Then what? Your goal is to make a personal connection in a private message to open the discussion.

But how do you find the owner of the page in order to start that communication? It isn't always easy. The secret to success is being "resourceful."

Not sure where to start? No problem, I explain what to do on the Social Media Savvy Culture Club forum. And the best part? Forum access is free to all members!

Not yet a member? Join my year-round group coaching program for less than $2.00 a day where you can find like minds, learn how to build a SAVVY personal brand and monetize your business on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and LI.

Register here.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

What does your brand say about you?

Have you been guessing who you truly are to your market? It all begins with your personal brand and how you show up in your marketing, especially on Social Media.

"If you want to stay relevant and competitive in the coming years – it does not matter if you are in coaching, fitness, speaking, writing, sales, tech, medicine, finance, publishing, event planning – you name it –
you need to develop
and grow your brand."

Everyone, EVERYONE needs to start thinking of themselves as a brand.

It is no longer an option; it’s a necessity”

-Gary Vaynerchuk, author of CRUSH IT!

Yes Gary! I love his stuff. He's so spot on.

So the story goes like this…

Private clients come to me for what they think is Social Media training and personal branding identity. What happens then is magical. My passion as a coach is to guide you through a metamorphosis from who you think you are to who you really are to your market. Social Media Marketing requires YOU be the brand and that is not easy to define for most entrepreneurs looking to monetize (make money from) their activity on Facebook, Twitter, LI, and Youtube.

Private client Caroline Lockhart of Feminine Brilliance Awakened was a perfect example of an ideal transformation that led to a new brand and new purpose,

So, who do you market on Facebook? You or your direct sales company. And how do you "show up" on social media to create a win/win for you, your team, your company, and the direct sales industry?”

This has been my challenge, and why I ended up hiring a social media coach to help me learn how to build a direct sales business with an entrepreneurial mindset. What started out as a Facebook Training, turned into something much bigger. My coach walked me through a metamorphosis in how to market me as the brand first; not my products and services. Personal branding is key to being successful in your marketing today because social media is relationship marketing, building the "know-like-trust factor" in this virtual world called Facebook. It was here that I had a personal breakthrough, because even though I had achieved so much with my direct sales business, I had no idea how to market me as a brand, or help my team do the same. This is true for most direct sellers today.” --More on her journey click here

Discover your SAVVY brand from the inside out. Be ready to transform how you "experience" social media and the results you create for your business. Stop missing the mark with your potential clients who are on Facebook and Twitter in droves and STEP INTO THE SPOTLIGHT with verve and vigor!

New personal branding and social media savvy client Angel Quintana writes...

"You are truly a gifted mentor. Am I excited? Understatement! I've already done half the assignments! Can't wait to see what happens next. So very honored to be working with you. xox" Angel,

Are you ready to discover how to monetize your brand?

I'm scheduling (5) 45 min Discovery calls between Monday July 11th - July 27th. Grab your spot now before they fill up. In your discovery call we will uncover the brilliance you know you are but have been afraid of showing up for fear of a variety of reasons (you know what yours is) or you just plain have no idea how to find it and HOW to FLAUNT it in a SAVVY way so your marketing speaks to you and how your expertise serves your market. :)

Please email me at for your options to book a slot! Want to know more about me? Please visit - You'll see there I spent over 20 years in the entertainment biz as a publicist for celebrities, visual and performing artists. I LOVE helping you design that smart, savvy, bright brand that inspires others to hire you!

Here's to your SHINING GLORY that creates results and happy lives!

In gratitude,


5 "Back to Basics" Facebook TIPS That Will Demystify Your Efforts

For those who have coached with me, this will be a reminder. For those new to my world, this will be a new perspective in how you make Facebook work for business.

1. Your main goal in sending a friend request is to just introduce yourself and invite them to be a friend in your network. Nothing else. No selling. No promotion. Find something you have in common with them to break the ice. The intention of FB is to network and build your "social currency."

2. Knowing who your target market profile is CORE to all you do. There are some of you that have a large amount of "likes" on their fan pages (fans) - but that does not mean much unless they represent your target market. Why? The whole reason you are investing time on FB as a business owner is to build contacts, network with the right people and audience, and allow conversion on some level to revenues.

3. Please don't neglect your personal page. That is the first part of the CORE strategy. Without building the know, like & trust factor, you become known as the person who only cares about selling rather than building a relationship. And that would be counterproductive.

4. It's never only about your fan page. Build the right communities and culture and you will see the money flow. If not, expect a great deal of wasted time. I care way too much about your time and efforts.

5. Speaking of conversion, be sure to “optimize” your postings to convert to leads. Meaning, post links on your page that either lead to your website to join your ezine community or a landing page that captures names for you email list. The subscriber receives good rich content (your expertise) in form of a CD, report, or digital download in exchange for their email. If you want to take it further,
I was introduced Hubspot blog where they created a fan page conversion app. The app enables users to easily convert new Likes of your Page into leads by presenting new visitors with a conversion form for an offer immediately after they click "Like."

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

5 Straight-up Truths About Facebook & Twitter as Marketing Tools: Be a Savvy Steward of Your Social Media Marketing (Etiquette)

As dedicated, passionate entrepreneurs, we have been using Social Media for our branding and relationship marketing for a while now.

Social media is not new anymore; it's just intelligent business.

Over the last three years, this remarkable platform has truly transformed the way we live, work, and play.

I am grateful for this brilliant PR and marketing tool for you and I! I have experienced great success as have my coaching clients when using Facebook strategically and systematically. However, if you are like me, I find not everyone on Facebook and Twitter to be mindful or responsible – or what I call savvy stewards of their posts and strategies. Yes, I agree not everyone is using Social Media for business, but those who are really would benefit more if they employ quality, effective and responsible strategies.

Perhaps you can relate, so I have composed five REAL straight-up truths about being a savvy steward of your Facebook and Twitter efforts. I may be giving voice to what you have been wanting to express, yet did not have the courage to say so.

With compassion and respect, here goes.

1. Social Media is first and foremost about building quality relationships in a community format, while delivering your personal brand (storytelling) via your profile not just a fan page. Watch your mindset and intention as you post. Gratitude, appreciation, kindness, giving, and serving are all energetically responsible intentions. Success on this platform is building the KNOW, LIKE, & TRUST factor first to prospective and existing community members, selling/promoting second. Social Media is the NEW PR.

2. You engage your friends, fans, & group members to interact with you by posting and commenting about compelling, relevant business/industry info, inspiration, contacts, quality personal info, cultural events, positive thoughts, dynamic photos, and videos. It's about the law of increase for yourself and others. Ask the question: "How can I serve others in their business and personal life?" It's not about posting or commenting mundane, irrelevant, overly opinionated items. Being savvy is about how we can collaborate together; interact.

3. You are aspiring to build a personal brand (you) that serves others in a quality, life affirming manner. Your expertise and personality are keys to building relationships just like offline activities.
In other words, promote your programs, book release, client testimonials, product or service in a personal way that speaks to your authenticity and the needs of your community (target market).

4. I liken Social Media to a game of golf. You are having a good time socializing in a casual, enjoyable environment as you play a mindful game that is enhanced by the quality discussions and interactions with your golf partners. With that, you build the KNOW LIKE TRUST and deals go down on the golf course; as they do on Facebook and Twitter. New clients and customers will show up as a result of your consistent postings (and that's not hard or time consuming when I teach it!) and peer-to-peer marketing.

5. Become a respected resource and expert in your field using Facebook and Twitter. This is built around your brilliance as you inspire others. You build communities based on giving and receiving; the law of circulation. It's about collaborating for the highest good of all.

Authenticity & Transparency are the new black.

The Secret to Prosperity Proverb

If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain.
If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees.
If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? Please be my guest as long as you include this complete blurb: Marla Dennis, online marketing & mindset success coach with over two decades in entertainment public relations and talent management, publishes Step into the Spotlight bi-weekly ezine. Join her success community of entrepreneurs who use social media and online marketing as powerful revenue producing activities while employing a wealth mindset to manifest increased results! Please visit and