Monday, May 21, 2012

My truth revealed, raw and uncensored. Ready?

How can I expect you, my loyal community, and my clients to be courageous, brave, leap into the unknown, and take a stand for your life if I don’t? I know I can never expect you to do anything I am not willing to do myself.
So, I thought I would draw back the curtains and share with you a very vulnerable, raw, breakthrough experience I had over the weekend that is meant to inspire you, move you, and support you to take a stand in your own life and business.
I’ve never been one to stay stuck or ignore inner messages. I always act on my inner barometer when life is out of whack or out of balance. However, lately I have been less than attentive to those inner callings.
Until this weekend.
So call this my “Jerry McGuire” moment or my “Marla" moment, but I’ve been going through a lot of changes outer and inner lately; so much that my world felt like it was whirling out of control in some areas.
On Saturday I posted a very vulnerable request for support in the Facebook private community page for my Elevate coaching program I’m participating in with Ali Brown and James Roche. I intuitively knew at this point that Spirit was calling me to up level and move into a more bold, passionate, daring, REAL version of myself.  (Very scary!)
I was terribly uncomfortable with how my life felt…."seemed” to be spinning out of control in a few areas. (That was a good thing, I learned). 
Then I got the perfect reply from a fellow Elevate member Kendra Thornbury who I first met at a retreat in Sedona early 2011. Her raw truth and consoling words became my guiding light to move me into a breakthrough! I publicly thanked her today in our coaching       community for her REAL, very loving, NO BULLS**T approach to life that brought me to my knees...           
(photo credit: Lindsay A. Miller)
Here are the highlights of my HUGE breakthrough moments from Kendra’s incredible wisdom:
1. My real prosperity is directly connected with the degree I’m willing to BE true to myself (BIG for me. I heard this b4 many times but I guess was ready now).
2. The way to release any money drama and on again off again scarcity struggle into a financial abundant flow is by stepping up and allowing my REAL voice to heard, take a stand for my truth, and don’t put up with any more BULLS**T from myself!
3. No more living on the surface being “nice.” I was dimming my light to fit in personally and professionally. (Relate?)
4. No more giving up who I am in order to make good money. (Phew! What a relief)
5. No more doubting if I can really live my dreams! (BIG shift still working on)
6. No more giving energy to the feelings of shame and inadequacy I used to buy into as real.
7. Taking a stand for no more accepting any type of “struggle” that became a way of life.
8. As Kendra so beautifully puts it… calling BS on myself about getting real around my relationship with people, money, and my talents and stop feeling bad about myself via old repeating patterns that kept me playing life small. (And some think I was living big! Not me. I know I have way more to offer and I've been holding back).
9. Allow my REAL voice to be heard and help others move into living life with a deeper passion. (Hint: This is YOUR personal branding process with me; not just techy jargon and strategies. It’s about YOUR transformation 1st)
10. I now truly understand how to live a “heart-centered” life that does not tolerate surface talk or living small.
11. No more compromising and putting up, settling with what just doesn’t feel good!
12. Declaring BS on myself and take a more meaningful responsibility for my results.
13. Requiring radical honesty in all my communications; not what society may call appropriate and pleasing. Say what I mean and mean what I say.
14. No more dismissing my true wealth, which resides in me as “what makes me feel alive while contributing to others”; and no longer giving energy to an image of what I think I am supposed to be and act.
15. Be original, fresh, dynamic, bold, honest, and daring in my communication and marketing (this blog post is a first step!).
16. And MOST of all…know my value. FEEL my value and never go back to doubting what I have to offer the world is not enough!
So by taking a public stand for the 1st time about this girl behind the computer, I’m risking big time and it feels so exhilarating and liberating!
It’s real that the TRUTH will set you free. Free to build a bold, profitable business, and passionate personal life. I have not felt this alive in years. I want this for you, too, if any of this resonates with you.  (Photo credit above: Kendra Thornbury)
I know not all of you will resonate and may need to re-read, but those who have been touched in any way and are ready to move into a stronger, more authentic version of yourself where your family, friends, communities, and clients GET the real you, then I INSIST you to connect with me.
If you are willing to be MORE daring, MORE courageous, MORE bold, MORE YOU, and no more B.S. – then I am here for you --- Choose my 30 min “I want a more REAL juicy life!” private Discovery call. I want to feel your voice over the phone- the real you. I don’t want to offer an online report or audio. I want you and me together on the phone making it happen.
Email me
Thank you Kendra Thornbury for your love and honesty and my ELEVATE community of amazing women entrepreneurs seeking their truth and a quality life!
And so it is!!
Love & BOLD truth,


A Legendary Affair said...

Marla - thank you so much for sharing this. I will need to re- read this several times to process the details of your big shift - but I mmediately sensed the depth of your realizatioms and the power that is bursting out of you as a result. I can tell that big things are In store for you and everyone fortunate enough to be associated with you!!

Cynthia Adkins

Marla said...

Awe, Cynthia! Thank you for such a kind reply. BIG shift is for sure. Wow, it's uncomfortable but I keep moving thru it. Thank you for being so such a good friend. Much love!