Friday, April 26, 2013

Expansive Money Energy vs.Contraction Money Energy - Which One Are You Living By?

Did you know your personal brand dims (in many ways) when you have an under-current of money "contraction" energy in your life?

What is contraction energy? Worry, doubt, fear, quilt, shame, and lack around money. Whereas, "expansive" energy around money attracts more money in your life. Expansive energy is faith, belief, trust, gratitude, action, courage, abundant thinking, appreciation and respect toward money among many more.

When you are in a relationship with money that more often feels expansive vs. contraction - you set a new "normal" to live by and attract more opportunities, ideas, and money into your life and business. How do you move into expansive energy and begin to recalibrate as your new normal so your brand “exudes” confidence and grace? 

Eliminate your money clutter.

Here are ways money clutter can look and feel. It’s different for many people:

  • Your personal relationships and how you give up your power with money. What is the dynamic in your significant other relationship when it comes to paying bills or delegating financial duties?
  • What about your business where you don't require high enough fees for your brilliant talent?
  • You could have been brought up to believe you were not meant to be wealthy and you "adopted" that mindset well into your adult years.
  • Maybe it’s the avoidance of looking at your bank statements.
  • Your wallet? Is it overflowing with receipts and extra stuff? Do you need buy a new, luxurious one that feels “rich” every time you use it?

No worries! There is a caring, dignified, and savvy way to change this and feel GREAT about it! I respect the sensitivity to this subject. Trust me. I was there. We all have growth in this area and it becomes one of the most liberating transformations you can have resulting in a powerful brand and a business that evolves and thrives!  

We all want to feel fulfilled and know we are giving extraordinary value to our clients.

Here are a few tips (of many) to help you begin letting go of old money beliefs, stories and worth (which are by default) that are simply not true. Let’s begin to replace them with brand new behaviors and stories that help us design a powerful brand, business & life we love.

1.   1. Forgive yourself deeply and others who may have influenced you around the “lack” of money mindset and create a “money power” statement that feeds your energy with possibility, confidence and abundance. It could read like: “I am a confident, powerful, highly creative, strong woman who speaks her truth and is a great steward of money creating consistent lavish income so I live abundantly with those I love."

2. Speak positively about money all-the-time and request the people around you to do the same. Say often to yourself “I stand in my power with money.”

3. Be courageous. Make decisions from where you want to be not where you are. Act AS IF you are already a $ 100K, 200K, 500K etc. business owner. Stop living in the “old” mindset and take actions that move you toward the next version of who you are to become.

4. Set up a bill paying system and buy a visually attractive folder and files that feel good. This will help get rid of the boring black & white feel to money management.  (Women like color and beautiful things – make your money that way, too.)

5. Clean out your wallet and buy yourself a new, gorgeous wallet that FEELS rich.

6. Email me for a FREE money breakthrough assessment form at

Keep in mind…it's hard to claim a BOLD money goal with old beliefs.
2nd quarter of business is here. Let’s free up your creative energy for even higher success. Let's move into summer with a BOLD money goal that we can be proud of and with belief that it can happen!

This is BOLD branding power.

With gratitude, 

hand signature

Chief Inspiration Officer

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