Monday, January 26, 2009

How to Demystify Facebook in 5 Simple Steps To Increase Business and Build the Know, Like & Trust Factor

Due to the ongoing increase of new friends in my Facebook networks, I am offering my FRE*E intro Facebook Teleclass again: "How to Demystify FACEBOOK in 5 Simple Steps to Increase Business and Build the "Know, Like, and Trust Factor" scheduled for Monday, February 16th at 4 pm PST!

Please register at this link -

For those beginners who want to better understand HOW to use Facebook and turn your social experience into a business marketing effort – OR - you know there is more to Facebook and you are open to a new perspective (hint: be a conscious-driven marketer) will be among the thousands who are enhancing their lives through this tool.

This is the intro class to my Exclusive VIP Facebook Teleclass on Wed, February 18th.

Social media is one of the most powerful marketing platforms in business today! After 20+ years in entertainment PR, I am thrilled with this medium and consider Facebook one of the best PR/marketing tools on the Internet today!

You have the freedom to design your image as you wish. Now that's terrific - as long as you use it with the right focus, strategy, and intention.

I will be giving you rich content how to integrate the Law of Attraction principle to increase business with the hands-on tools to take action.

FACEBOOK, as a tool, can drive traffic to your website, inspire joint ventures, build your image (branding), generate curiosity, and build your know, like, and trust factor (KLT).

With over 150 million users and growing daily, FACEBOOK can be your most powerful relationship building tool for business success today.

Register here:

To your success in 2009!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Encore Teleclass How to Demystify Facebook in 5 Simple Steps To Increase Business and Build the Know, Like, and Trust Factor!

By popular demand, I am offering my FRE*E intro Teleclass again: "How to Demystify FACEBOOK in 5 Simple Steps to Increase Business and Build the "Know, Like, and Trust Factor" on Monday, January 12th at 4 pm PST!

This is the intro class to the Exclusive VIP Facebook Teleclass on January 13th.

For those beginners who want to better understand HOW to use Facebook and turn your business marketing effort into a social experience OR you know there is more to Facebook and are open to a new perspective (hint: be a conscious-driven marketer) have made a good choice to be on the call!

Social media is fast becoming one of the most powerful marketing platforms in business today!

After 20 years in entertainment PR, I am thrilled with this media and consider Facebook one of the best PR/marketing tools on the Internet today!

You have the freedom to design your image as you wish. Now that's terrific - as long as you use it with the right focus, strategy, and intention.

FACEBOOK, as a tool, can drive traffic to your website, inspire joint ventures, build your image (branding), generate curiosity, and build your know, like, and trust factor (KLT). With over 123 million users and growing daily, FACEBOOK can be your most powerful relationship building tool for business success today.

To your success in 2009!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Love is All Around - You're Gonna Make it After All!!

Remember our favorite TV role model, Mary Tyler Moore? Her theme song says it all!! Getting a bit nostalgic, but fun nevertheless!

To all the amazing women entrepreneurs I personally know or have yet to meet, this song is dedicated to you!!

Here's to a FABULOUS New Year and to ABUNDANT success in all areas of your life!

Youtube version: Mary Tyler Moore theme song
"Love is All Around" by Paul Williams -

Who can turn the world on with her smile?
Who can take a nothing day, and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile?
Well it's you girl, and you should know it
With each glance and every little movement you show it
Love is all around, no need to waste it
You can have a town, why don't you take it
You're gonna make it after all
You're gonna make it after all
How will you make it on your own?
This world is awfully big, girl this time you're all alone
But it's time you started living
It's time you let someone else do some giving
Love is all around, no need to waste it
You can have a town, why don't you take it
You're gonna make it after all
You're gonna make it after all

Your success partner in life,
In gratitude,
your Chief Inspiration Officer