Saturday, November 19, 2011

Gratitude Giveaway!

Happy Thanksgiving week!

How did you like the 5 Smart Tips and Tools for the NEW Facebook I posted last week?

Did you implement any of the applications, read the non-profit Facebook tips, download the fan page storefront app or download my NEW eBook excerpt from, Quick-Start Secrets to a Compelling Personal Brand, Now!" - How to INNOVATE your marketing to THRIVE in our SOCIAL REWARD economy?

In the spirit of GRATITUDE and THANKSGIVING, I am kicking off a week long GIVEAWAY campaign starting Monday Nov 21st that requires a few simple steps for you to be a possible winner!

Since my mission is to elevate business owners with innovative technologies and strategies in order to THRIVE in our "Social Reward" economy,  I want to give you a running start! There is one requirement I have for you. Are you willing to partner with me on contributing the energy of GRATITUDE throughout Facebook?  Let's have fun, ok? Come on - play with me!

Here's what's happening Thanksgiving week Nov 21-27 (Midnight PST):

1. I want to help THREE eager entrepreneurs begin to elevate their business for 2012, so I am GIVING AWAY 3 copies of my "QUICK-START SECRETS to a COMPELLING Personal Brand" eBook! Curious what the eBook is?  Click here BUT come back to the details here.

2. All you must do is "Like" my fan page, Social Media Savvy, if you are not a fan yet, by clicking here. Once at the page in order to qualify to be one of 3 possibly chosen for a GIFTED COPY of my eBook, you MUST post something you are GRATEFUL for on the wall at my fan page. Make it compelling!

3. If you are already a fan, awesome! All you need to do to qualify is you MUST post something you are GRATEFUL for on the wall at my fan page. Make it compelling! Click here

4. My team and I will choose 3 COMPELLING gratitude posts to be the 3 winners! The winners will be announced and acknowledged on my fan page and personal page on Monday, Nov 28th after the holiday weekend. You will need to give us your email if you are a winner. The 34- page HIGH CONTENT eBook is an easy digital download we will email you.
This GRATITUDE GIVEAWAY accomplishes several things:

a. We get to spread the energy of gratitude to all our Facebook communities because gratitude is a multiplier of good. The more you are grateful the more you receive things to be grateful for!

b. I am able to generously enhance and gift the lives of three chosen entrepreneurs who see the value in learning how to be INNOVATIVE in today's SOCIAL REWARD economy.

c. You just might receive a very unexpected surprise from "left field" because of contributing gratitude energy!

Ready to jump into the Gratitude Giveaway?  Click here


Monday, November 14, 2011

5 Smart Tools and Tips for the NEW Facebook

Recent research told me there are three simple primary reasons people go online:

1. To be entertained, inspired, or educated.
2. To find a solution to a challenge.
3. To look for instructions or advice. 

Given that, I have gathered 5 smart tools and tips I found online to meet the NEW entrepreneur's needs. "New" meaning - a new breed of entrepreneurs who are open to change, innovation, and building community vs. remaining private and secluded. (Yes there are still many business owners who have not innovated their mindsets to align with our "Social Reward" economy strategies.) 

This list is chock-full of progressive advice, solutions to challenges, and can be entertaining, inspiring and of course educational. :) Would enjoy your feedback here by posting a comment!

5 Smart Tools and Tips For the NEW Facebook:
1.  Are you a non-profit and can't figure out how to make Facebook work for your fundraising efforts or how to find donors?
Click here - 10 ways non-profits can benefit from Social Media

2. Your personal brand is so crucial to your success on social media channels due to building the know, like, & trust factor. It's not just about your fan page. You are building relationships first. This one tool (custom and smart lists) will save you time and make your efforts much more effective in getting your posts to the correct audience!  Click on the title here for an excerpt from my NEW "QUICK START SECRETS TO A COMPELLING PERSONAL BRAND: How to INNOVATE your marketing to THRIVE in our SOCIALL REWARD economy!" eBOOK (read through first few paragraphs of the directed page for the download link)

3. Terrific report from HUBSPOT, " How to Master Facebook Marketing in 10 Days" Click here

4.  Want a storefront for your fan page? Sell your products to your fan base? Click here for payvment application.  

5. Excellent article on "How to Humanize Your Company with Social Media." Click here  

Keep me posted on what you implement and how it works for you. Wishing you prosperity and progress.
