Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Social Media: The New PR workshop 5/27

Marla Dennis
Online Marketing Success Coach

Facebook Demystified:
How to Turn Your Facebook Time into REVENUE PRODUCING TIME!
(Hint: Mindset + Tools = Success!)

Join us Wednesday, May 27th
6:30 registration
7 - 9 pm workshop

Bring you own laptop
Wifi and tables available. Workshop setting perfect for laptops

South Bay Quantum Center, Riviera Village
(corner of Ave I & Catalina room 210)

Did you know using Facebook with the right mindset (consciousness) while applying a certain strategy will change the way you do business?

FACEBOOK, used as a tool, can drive traffic to your website, inspire joint ventures, build your image (branding), generate curiosity, and build your know, like, and trust factor.

Imagine attracting more of your ideal clients because you expose the more authentic you via Facebook. In this workshop, you will learn:

-How to use Facebook as a PR tool to explode your business.
-The 5 simple steps to build the know, like, and trust factor while increasing business with more ideal high-paying clients.
-How to “optimize FB” basics and tools woven in with consciousness and mindset strategies.
-How to manifest contacts, clients, and opportunities to multiply your income as you deliver a focused strategy in the form of a PR campaign that speaks to who you are and who your ideal client is.
-How to write effective shares, comments, and more.
-How to use a business page or group page.
-What is a Joint Venture and how do you develop one?
-Which photos are appropriate to support your image campaign.
-Question & Answer opportunity

Registration, go to:


ONLY $59
Advanced reservations and payment

(at the door will be $69 cash or check)

Only 40 seats available

As a Marketing Matchmaker, I coach the use of dynamic tools of Social Media - Facebook, a profit building ezine, and an expert branding tool - a blog, to expose your brilliance to your ideal target market! With over 20 years in PR, I find these tools are hands down your most effective (and smartest) path to success and profits!

Your Marketing Matchmaker for Profits
Business: 310.378.1277
E-mail:capripr@aol.com © 2009 eCreativebiz.com