Thursday, August 29, 2013

NEW Branding & Site Launching SOON - Take a Peek!

Evolution and innovation are always exciting when it comes to the growth of a business! I'm about ready to launch a NEW wordpress site, NEW brand, NEW photos and NEW programs! will soon be

Here's a peek at the NEW branding and logo.
You like? I'm jazzed! 

NEW coaching and mentoring theme with Embracing Your Spotlight:

Six Sensory Abundant Living & Branding System!
Want a hint about the new theme? Here you go...

There something so alluring, so inviting, so enticing, about a sexy, bold brand.

But our daily lives filled with overwhelm, multi-tasking, worry, stress, and doubt while running our business ends up numbing us out and disconnected from our senses.

Did you know your true self is defined by your unique senses (sensuality)?

I define SEXY as confident, vibrant, alluring, appealing, empowering, talented, charming, intelligent, grounded, authentic, and inspiring. So what’s the mystery behind exuding that sexy, bold, sensual (connected to your senses) type of vibrant brand?

Celebrities have it. Artists of many kinds have it. World renowned authors, speakers, and leaders have it. You can, too.

It begins with how you live your life and who you are; not what you do.
In evaluating my personal brand recently, I found my marketing message and branding tended to have a “masculine” essence to it. As authentic as it was and it represented my talents and personality – there was something missing.

It felt like the essence of what I was conveying or the words I used were more masculine, squared off, and somewhat hard-edged rather than a flowing, sensual, feminine powerful energy behind the message.

I wanted more of me in my brand! What was missing?

I couldn’t identify it until recently. It was the essence of living and experiencing ALL of my six sensual senses sight, sound, smell, taste, touch and intuition. This is the basis of my new branding process to bring you to your outrageous, sexy, feminine core!
A sexy brand inspires others to feel their emotions.

Digital storytelling today (written, spoken or video) requires an emotional connection online in order to move people to an action. When your branding (you) can inspire others to take an action toward your offerings – you have emotionally connected to their needs, desires and dreams.

That is a sexy, bold brand.

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You don't want to miss a thing! Post a comment below how this may have "sparked" something new for you!

Chief Inspiration Officer
Embrace Your Spotlight

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