Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Contraction Energy vs. Expansive Energy - Which Are You Living By?

Did you know your personal brand dims (in many ways) when you have an under-current of money "contraction" energy in your life?

What is contraction energy? Worry, doubt, fear, quilt, shame, and lack around money. Whereas, "expansive" energy around money attracts more money in your life. 

Expansive energy is faith, belief, trust, gratitude, action, courage, abundance thinking, & appreciation toward money. 

See, when you are in a relationship with money that is more often feeling expansive vs. contraction - you set a new "normal" to live by and attract more opportunities, ideas, and money into your business.

Be courageous and seek a money breakthrough to stand in your
branding power
and give more of you to the world!

How does all this relate to your personal brand power?

In every way. 

On Sept 19th at the Chase branch business networking event in Redondo Beach, I'll teach you secrets to getting started eliminating money clutter so your brand will produce BETTER results.

Register now for the business building mixer and tell your friends! - 

Here's more of what you'll learn in my presentation -  

Success Branding Strategies to Thrive in Our “Social Reward” Economy:
  • Why opportunity awaits in transparency 
  • Why you MUST clear the “money clutter” before your brand will produce results
  • Secrets to “building the bond” online
  • How RICH is YOUR Social Currency?
  • 3 Secrets why authenticity must be at the core of all your personal branding efforts
  • Insider tips to Fan page & personal page strategies for effective marketing
  • How digital storytelling creates raving fans for your business

Wed, September 19, 2012
6:30-8:45 pm
246 S. PCH
Torrance Blvd
& PCH Chase Branch
Redondo Beach
CA 90277

Would really like to meet and chat with you - and introduce you to my community of smart, savvy business owners, ok?

Get more information and register at http://chasetalksbizevent.com/.

Monday, September 10, 2012

A 2mm Shift That Will Transform Your Relationship with Money Now.

As I experience my clients shift their mindsets, attitudes, habits and actions around money during and after our branding and marketing sessions, I can't help but want more of this transformation for many others.  

So, as I sit here at my desk engaging with you, let me ask you...are you ready to finally take control of all your worry, doubt, fear, guilt, shame, avoidance, lack of faith, and lack of trust (Universal) around money and turn it into a joyful, expansive, fulfilling energy that allows you to stand in your power?  

(Hint: It's a 2 mm shift I did recently and now I want to share it.)   

Do you want to learn simple secrets to clearing your money clutter that you can start right now? 

Our relationship with money is ever evolving; if you are seeking excellence - then you must be open to changing that relationship all the time. Money energy is not static; it's a vibrant, active energy that shifts with life and flows with Universal energy. I am always in a state of personal growth around money. I still have a lot to learn, but with each shift and breakthrough, I get closer to the next better version of who I am to become. (This money growth kicks my butt every time!)

So, in my upcoming No Cost training call, I’ll explain why your brilliant personal brand dims (in many ways) when you have an under-current of money "contraction" energy in your life and then offer how to shift this instantly to begin creating better results in your business revenues! 

If you find yourself consistently getting stuck or blocked when it comes to money issues... if you can't seem to get past a certain income level... if you want to unclog your money block in your business and your life...

You'll want to attend this FREE training call happening on September 20th.

"INCREASE YOUR SELF WORTH AND NET WORTH: The ONE Money Secret and THREE Mindset Shifts You MUST Have to Prosper!" 


Join me on this FREE ONE-TIME training call where you will learn:   
  • How to face your money clutter with courage and grace followed by practical steps!
  • How to finally take control of your worry, doubt, fear, quilt, shame, avoidance, lack of faith, and lack of trust (Universal) around money!
  • The ONE secret to shifting your money fears and frustrations into a confident, powerful, achieving energy!
  • The 3 money success mindsets you MUST have to build a profitable, sustainable business.
  • Secrets to clearing your money clutter (These are simple and you can get started now!)
  • How to "unclog" your money block in your business and life and let it FLOW (Like I did to re-open the channels of prosperity)!
  • How to start healing money issues or money drama and turn them into clarity, forgiveness and empowerment.
  • Exciting details about my all NEW Money Breakthrough Method ® 4-part Telecourse, "Breakthrough to the Your Next Income Level With Dignity, Courage, Grace and Ease" 
If you are serious about increasing your income, then don't waste any more time, register for my FREE TRAINING call today.    

Don't miss out on this NEW mindset, money transforming call. And register even if you can't make the call live, as all registrants will receive access to the recording, but make an effort to be there live.     

Will you pay-it-forward to your friends on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter? The bigger picture is creating a movement where we all prosper.  

With gratitude
hand signature
Chief Inspiration Officer

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