Saturday, October 29, 2011

May the Joy Rise Within You. Thanks Oprah!

Where have I been? I had no idea of the depth of Oprah's impact on people's lives. My inner world has changed noticeably in the last two weeks since making my living room into a life class with Oprah from 11 pm - 1 am Mon-Fri.

Given that Oprah's daytime show for 25 years was on at 4 pm daily, I rarely had the luxury to watch the show. Either my work as a publicist had me watching her a few times for clients or I would grab snippets here and there on YouTube or late night repeats, but never a consistent diet of Oprah.  I admit, I am an Oprah believer and student now.

This blog entry is far from my branding topic and more about what makes my heart sing in a bigger way. 

How my life could have been different had I embraced her long before this, I don't know. 

But, I do know I am seriously grateful for becoming an Oprah Life Class student 5 nights a week. Her Life Class is now part of my personal development/spiritual practice. 

I had no idea to the depth of her influence in people's lives until this past few weeks. I was brought to tears last night more than once in watching just how much joy she gives to others. I was in awe as I watched Oprah last night demonstrate her true meaning of JOY RISING when she took an entire audience (several 100) to the magical country of Australia last year and how they paid it forward to many in their lives once back home due to her gracious gift. 

These several hundred people had major life changing experiences as a result of their Australian experience with Oprah. During the Life Class show she recorded interviews of several people today who attended that trip and how the experience changed their lives. Remarkable. Talk about paying it forward! Many stepped into non-profit work, gave back to their communities, and forged new relationships that never would have occurred had they not been graced by Oprah's generosity. Now that's a movement like I have never seen before.

Her life lesson last night  - "May the joy rise within you and pay it forward to others." Her vision is to see a joyful world where we give to one another. She lives her life on purpose and that is incredibly inspiring.  

Another "Joy Rising" example she shared from a past show concerned two men in her an "after the show" segment. They were huge Mariah Carey fans and stood up asking to see her. Oprah granted that wish and brought them to her concert.  That day while at the concert, they were asked to be in Mariah's video. So not only did they get their wish but it was even better than they could dream of! Oprah observing their "joy rising" is what she lives for. 

Then the next part of their story is incredible.
These two men changed their lives dramatically as a result of being on her show back then. When they watched themselves once the original show aired, one realized he was heavier than he realized and lost 60 lbs months by disciplining himself to run marathons. The other man noticed a strange lump on his neck while watching himself on TV. He went to the doctor and found an advanced cancer in his neck! He's cancer free today. Had these men not asked for what they wanted and Oprah had not honored their wish, their lives would have had a very different look and feel today. Pay it forward.

The life changing stories just go on and on with this woman. I have since jumped into her online Life Class on her site and even entered her contest to be a chosen audience member (Hey, that's where it all happens!)  for the airing of one of her Life Class shows. She moved her production company out to L.A. (yeah!) and films the show out here. I am putting it out to the Universe to be chosen! 

All of this has led to some very inspirational ideas that will soon be revealed. Let's just say it follows the same theme of "Joy Rising." My inspired idea was born out of giving that which you want. I have always wanted a loving family that was very involved in my life, a true sense of belonging and worldwide travel. So, the theme brewing centers on families, a sense of belonging, travel, joy, and giving back to families who otherwise would not have the ability to vacation together or travel.  More to come. Stay tuned! 

For now, I ask you to inspire JOY for others in some way, some how. Then find the JOY in your own heart and soul and nourish it.



Sunday, October 16, 2011

Entrepreneurs are a rare breed fueling our economy

Entrepreneurs are a rare breed, do you agree?
It takes a certain mindset to continue to believe and have faith in our business vision on a daily basis. We are like the warriors of the economy who create jobs for others and create our own income when others are having a challenge finding jobs.

In times like these where the worldwide protest, "Occupy Wall Street," gives voice to higher education graduates seeking jobs but can't make their dreams come true because of the state of our economy - our contribution as entrepreneurs can give hope to others who can do the same if they looked for new, innovative ways to serve humanity with their brilliance.  

I consider myself an advocate for the small business entrepreneur by helping people bring their talents to the world (via online marketing and social media systems) to change lives. We have an obligation to serve humanity. 

Don't keep it a secret by lacking in your marketing consistency.

My value to you is I help you design your savvy authentic personal brand and an online marketing system for today's Social Reward economy in order to reach more people whose lives you change through your expertise.
In being that advocate, I also focus on your mindset to inspire you to keep moving in the direction of your dreams. The entrepreneurial journey always begins with mindset.

Given that, I have a unique no-gimmick gift for you from one of my mentors. I am paying-it-forward today with high content information and how-to-mindset-tools that will help you attract new clients.  

I share in her success mindset that if we have expertise that will expand life - be sure to market and offer those services and/or give it away as a gift.
One of my lead multi-million dollar mentors, Fabienne Fredrickson, is allowing us to pay it forward with this very unique business guide for FREE, but there is a time limit to its availability.  So don't delay. She won't have it available for free very long.  

Her 34-page pdf download is based on her personal techniques as a multi-millionaire entrepreneur using Universal Law and mindset that helped get her to the million dollar mark and beyond. I learned these from her 2 yrs ago and this stuff works! I'm on the path to my dreams as I do with my clients. 

I know some of you are skeptical about Universal Law, but trust me – Fabienne and plenty other mentors who are consistently earning 7 figures, use mindset and Universal law techniques OFTEN. And that means using it like a well-oiled machine – integrated into their daily work with no negotiation. It's about breaking FREE from a set of beliefs that are not serving you and using the unseen energy to partner with you (with faith & trust).

In 2009, while I was being mentored by Fabienne in her group program, I watched her go from $350,000 revenues to over $1 million in revenues inside of 9 months (yes!) while being mentored by David Neagle, another master mindset and Universal Law coach who earns well over multiple millions coaching others to do the same.  

Now don’t be fooled. There is a ton of action to go with this, but mindset is critical FIRST to your results. 

I know you have heard that many times from me and you will continue to because you can never be the success you really want (and beyond) without integrating mindset into the equation. 

I just implemented several of her techniques for the umpteenth time. I'm excited to see what comes of it. It always works.

Below is the link to her FREE download, “Quick-Start Guide to Attracting 3 New Clients this Month.”  She writes, there is no catch, no opt-in, nothing. Just plain giving. 

It's up for a limited time, so don't delay. This guide normally goes for $39 on her site. I have used the techniques in this guide over the last 2 yrs with great results. I would never recommend something that is a waste of your time or has limited results.

Try something new this week, actually read the guide, and let me know what happens by commenting here on the blog, ok?  Enjoy it... Click here for Quick-start-3-clients-mindset-techniques

In gratitude,