Monday, May 30, 2011

Find Your Tribes on Facebook - Transform Your Life

Coaches love to help people transform. We identify our client challenges, offer solutions to their pains and struggles and take them through a process for breakthrough. As a Personal Branding & Social Media Coach for entrepreneurs, the most rewarding feedback is when we experience the transformation of a client right before our eyes.

One of my "star" clients, Caroline Lockhart from Hopkinton, Mass., could not have said it better when it comes to learning how to use Facebook strategically and the
unexpected personal transformation that shows up in the process of creating a personal brand. Below is her authentic commentary encouraging others to jump into my signature Facebook 4-part teleseries,
“Unleash the Power of Facebook And Social Currency to Generate Higher Revenues Using the Know, Like & Trust Factor,” which I am offering for a limited time for only $97. I normally require $297 for this transformative and business building series.

I give you from the words of Caroline...

Find Your Tribes on Facebook!
Learn to Navigate & Experience Facebook with Confidence
What you do with this knowledge WILL transform
your life & business!
Facebook is a powerful world to connect to the events & people that are important to you, but if you don't know how to use the tools, or how to show up on Facebook - you are missing out. This training is for the success minded individual who wants to show up on Facebook & rock it!! You'll here comments like, "Wow, you really know your stuff," "you seem to really know what you are doing, I'm too scared to post anything."
Once you understand how to navigate the tools on FB, you will have the confidence to begin your journey in Social Media. You will begin to come out of hiding and share more of yourself, your thoughts, opinions, expertise, and make an impact with communities of people who have the same interests as you. (your tribe).
Imagine having the knowledge to discover a whole new you, or perhaps create a richer experience for your life right now by connecting with the right target market for your business, lifelong friends, and make new friends with people all over the world. This knowledge is designed to help you build a more profitable business. The possiblilites are endless.....
This teleseries provides you with the training to MASTER Facebook. This isn't a little course on Facebook, it's a training that will teach you how to position yourself in a light that reflects the uniqueness of you! You will learn from Marla, a Social Media Expert & Celebrity Publicist, so you know you are in good hands, as she will always help you shine in the most authentic light!!
Registration is available now. But don't hesitate. The rate will go up to $297. Click here.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

We come from a tribe (society) where we try so hard to hide who we are and hide behind our story of embarrassment, humility, indifference. But it is in the texture and fabric of your life that connects the human spirit. The more we become available, vulnerable, transparent, the more lives we will touch with our brilliance (expertise). Personal branding today is more required than ever as a business owner regardless of industry. In our virtual lives, we need emotional connection to create know, like, trust. With social media marketing and emotionally compelling videos, we can create engagement and social currency.

Cool story from my publicist days in Hollywood. My choreographer client who worked with Gwen Stefani on her "Hollaback Girl" music video was in the running for a Video Music Award in 2005. I pursued media like crazy with my client's short personal branded videos to help her gain exposure to win the VMA. It worked. She won the VMA for BEST CHOREOGRAPHY that year in Miami. What a blast that was being with her in South Beach celebrating!!

Does video marketing work? Heck YES!

2005 Video Music Awards was amazing! And the even more exciting thing that happened that same weekend - the viral video story I landed in LA Times front page business section for Red Guitar Films released and changed his firm's visibility forever.

Chris was a thought leader back then when social media and video marketing was not even on the map. I remember Chris trying to encourage his clients to do viral videos instead of costly TV commercials and they were not very receptive. Now look! Businesses can't sustain themselves without it! Grateful to be doing the Video Playshop with Chris! Our guests will be receiving so much value for their time and money!

One of the many techniques we will be teaching at the Video Marketing Playshop is how to be CREATIVE in using and distributing QR codes! Check out this custom QR code Chris Lombardo of Red Guitar Films did for us

Early Bird Rates only till June 6th. Save $200 by reserving your seat now! Playshop at a cool boutique hotel in Hermosa Beach, California. Come play at the beach with us! Go to

In gratitude,

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Most Powerful Form of Marketing is Testimonials (and Referrals)

Chris and I were brainstorming yesterday about the Playshop and figuring out what would be most compelling for you to WANT to be at the Playshop besides the creative inspiration and learning how to shoot, edit (music, voice over, etc) and market the video.

Here's what we know is one of the most powerful forms of marketing: Referrals and Testimonials. So, one of the styles of video we will be coaching you on is how to produce an emotionally compelling testimonial video that speaks to your brand and how your expertise and brilliance transformed your client's life in some way.

The secret strategy to connecting humans to each other online is emotions (heart). People remember stories.

By using state of the HEART technology via Social Media marketing with your signature video, you turn your audience into viral advocates, customers, clients, patients and into RAVING FANS! And who doesn't want that?

Here's how life can change when you deliver emotionally compelling testimonial videos:

  • You raise the consistency of attracting your ideal client, customer, or patient and that is a GREAT feeling!
  • Your DOUBT diminishes who you can best serve because you are very clear on the needs of that market and how you emotionally connect with them and they of you.
  • You receive more consistently unsolicited gifts of appreciation and gratitude for transforming your client's lives.
  • You find you are treated with much more respect by clients, customers or patients because you are attracting the RIGHT ones with your brand.
  • You stop worrying whether your marketing is effective and received well by your market because they GET you and RELATE with you!
  • Your revenues increase because you are experienced as true to your brand and the integrity of what you bring to others.
  • You are delighted to market your video and other brand videos because you are seeing results!

Not quite sure where to start? This is where Chris Lombardo and I come in.

You and your friends need to be at our Video Marketing Playshop. Chris Lombardo and I will be walking you (and your friends) through a 5-step system to produce and market your 1st or updated personally branded video (bring your own video cam)... so you can market effectively and powerfully.

Now is your time to: STEP INTO THE SPOTLIGHT.

I invite you to attend -- no, I URGE you to attend if you are serious about your time and money. No more guessing rich keywords and tips and tricks to get into high ranking on Google.

You can also pay it forward to those in your community by encouraging them to register with you before May16th for the EARLY bird rate. In fact, we are offering a BRING A FRIEND option. So grab someone and split the cost! Not sure if the date works? Look at how you can rearrange your schedule to be there. It's that important.

Here are the details:

Come play with us at the beach on June 24th!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The wealth of your brand lies in telling emotionally compelling stories via video

I want to get to the heart of my message here with you. The core of our 6/24 Video Marketing Playshop is "Tell the Sell."

The moving pictures of your brand must tell an emotionally compelling story - and what better story than that of your client testimonial.

Write this down, highlight this, please take note of this: The wealth of your brand lies in the telling stories via video.Technology is evolving & video will play an even more prominent role in your business than it is now. Better be prepared for what lies ahead.

Chris Lombardo and I are taking video marketing to a whole new level emotionally, creatively and effectively. The future requires all of us to be more creative and emotionally compelling in our video delivery. There are plenty of applications, tools, and sites with simple video producing capabilities.

We promise - your creative entrepreneurial spirit will surface on 6/24. Register for Early Rate before 5/16. Your NEW clients are waiting right in the center of the heart of your brand. Let us show you how to reach them.

Here is an EXCELLENT example of how to "Tell to sell."

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

SEO Power - A video is 50 times more likely...

I probably don't need to tell you video marketing is the HOT channel for highly effective marketing and conversion.

And, I probably don't need to say how crucial it is to use video marketing as part of your SEO (search engine optimization) plan. Meaning, the combination of all the online activity you have from your website and your social media (all networks), and blog postings. They all feed into your GOOGLE rankings. Video catches the attention of the search engine spiders FIRST that look for your content.

But you know that, right?

Here's what I hear all the time: "Why am I not on page 1 of Google in my categories?" Everyone wants to be on page one. BUT is everyone using video in all their marketing? And how much? And where? And is it part of their personal brand?

With these statistics...
  • YouTube is monetizing (helping you make money) over 2 billion video views per week globally. (That's GLOBALLY)
  • Americans watch more videos a month on YouTube than they conduct searches on Google.
  • A video is 50 times more likely to get a first-page Google ranking than a text page. (Did you really get that?) and your friends need to be at our NEW Video Marketing Playshop. Chris Lombardo and I will be walking you (and your friends) through a 5-step system to produce and market your 1st or updated personally branded video (bring your own vid cam)... so you can market effectively and powerfully.

Afraid of the camera and how you look? We make it fun and Chris is an expert at directing. You should have seen our first try at our videos for this promo :) Now is your time to:


I invite you to attend -- no, I URGE you to attend if you are serious about your time and money. No more guessing rich keywords and tips and tricks to get into high ranking on Google. You can also pay it forward to those in your community by encouraging them to register with you before May16th for the EARLY bird rate. In fact, we are offering a BRING A FRIEND option. So grab someone and split the cost! Not sure if the date works? Look at how you can rearrange your schedule to be there. It's that important.

Here are the details:

Come play with us at the beach on June 24th!

Friday, May 6, 2011

State of the HEART technology via Social Media marketing

Today's MUST HAVE marketing technique is PERSONAL BRANDING with video where your story – your life – your personality becomes the focal point of your brand. This is where humans connect on an emotional level.

People remember stories.

By using state of the HEART technology via Social Media marketing with your signature video, you turn your audience into viral advocates, customers, clients, patients and into

Our Video Marketing Playshop will inspire and awaken your imagination and possibility thinking to craft a two-minute video (or less) while having fun, interaction, and creative stimulation.

All those worries will transform into action and excitement.

When you emotionally connect to your own brand
(your story- your brilliance - your talents and how they serve others in a BIG way)
this is how life can look:

  • You more consistently attract the ideal client, customer, or patient and that is a GREAT feeling!
  • Your DOUBT diminishes who you can best serve because you are very clear on the needs of that market and how you emotionally connect with them and they of you.
  • You receive more consistently unsolicited gifts of appreciation and gratitude for transforming your client's lives.
  • You find you are treated with much more respect by clients, customers or patients because you are attracting the RIGHT ones with your brand.
  • You stop worrying whether your marketing is effective and received well by your market because they GET you and RELATE with you!
  • Your revenues increase because you are experienced as true to your brand and the integrity of what you bring to others.
  • You are delighted to market your video and other brand videos because you are seeing results!

The Playshop is about converting the rich humanity of your life
into a moving story - as your brand.

We are teaching you the power of digital storytelling via Social Media.

Register NOW!

Early Bird deadline is May 16th!

In gratitude,
Marla & Chris