Monday, December 15, 2008

How to Demystify FACEBOOK in 5 Simple Steps

HOW to use Facebook and turn your business marketing effort into a social experience......Join me in a FREE FACEBOOK TELECLASS this Tuesday, Dec 23rd at 4 pm/PST. Here's the scoop...

I am listening.

Last Tuesday's Free Facebook teleclass (12/16) was such a success, with many attending the call, that I opted to offer it again.

What this tells me is your needs are being met and I am all about meeting your marketing needs! I want inspiration and success for you!

Facebook is such a hot topic and huge success that most of us want to better understand this platform for business. So, I highly encourage you to join us this Tuesday, December 23, at 4 pm. This is primarily for those who are new to Facebook or have been on for awhile but have no idea of its power and real purpose. If this fits you on some level--READ ON.

Social media is fast becoming one of the most powerful marketing platforms in business today!


Although social media offers a global reach similar to traditional media, it is vastly different in its strategy, distribution, and platform. Social media is instantaneous and accessible to anyone, whereas traditional media can take up to days or weeks before you see the print or broadcast result - and the production accessibility is exclusive to private or government owned companies. Social media also allows creative freedom to represent as you see fit, whereas traditional media is governed by regulations.

After 20 years in entertainment PR, I am thrilled with this media and consider Facebook one of the best PR/marketing tools on the Internet today! You have the freedom to design your image as you wish. Now that's terrific - as long as you use it with the right focus, strategy, and intention.

While having fun, FACEBOOK, as a tool, can drive traffic to your website, inspire joint ventures, build your image (branding), generate curiosity, and build your know, like, and trust factor (KLT). With over 100 million users and growing daily, FACEBOOK can be your most powerful relationship building tool for business success today.

I liken the social purpose of FACEBOOK to a game of golf. Many deals are made while on the golf course because of the connection and social enjoyment and of the experience. Turn your business marketing effort into a social experience and join me in a FREE teleclass next Tuesday at 4 pm. I will discuss the 5 basic but most effective and easy daily techniques to make FACEBOOK user friendly for you.

Create the know, life and trust factor - as you build relationships and raving fans!
I love that term - raving fans - it's true - when you have raving fans - they like you, trust you, and get who you are - which is the core of all good business growth. You develop raving fans (over time) by working 5 top daily techniques on Facebook.

What image do you want to portray on Facebook for business?

This class is also an intro (part 1) to my VIP Premiere teleclass set for January 13th where you will learn how to build a Facebook image campaign, Facebook press kit, and strategy in "How To Be A Facebook Celebrity In 7 Smart Steps That Will INCREASE Your Value and Income."

See my website for those details,

But first learn "How to Demystify FACEBOOK in 5 Simple Steps to Increase Business and Build the Know, Like and Trust Factor" Tuesday, Dec 23 at 4 pm/PST
Please sign up at my website -

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