Thursday, September 16, 2010

How long will you wait to become savvy in Social Media?

It's media coverage like this that makes me smile and validates the passion and vision
I have for you and your success...
--- Forbes just released this article,

"Social Media has Scorching Impact on Small Biz."

Click here for the article.

The article has tons of stats, percentages and flat out confirmation of the power that social media can have on your biz WHEN you do it correctly with savvy strategies, tools, and clear intentions.

So, how long will you wait to really understand how using Facebook and Twitter CAN catapult your business and revenues?

Yesterday, in my NAOEM FB teleclass, here were a few great questions that showed up:

"I'm a retail and service store, so I have 2 target markets; vendors and customers. How do I market to both on FB?"

"My fan page is just sitting there because I don't know what to post and when. I use my personal page but I need a buzz going on my fan page. How do I do it?"

In another call with a new client, she initially says: "How do I handle all this social media AND everything else I am doing in my business? It seems too overwhelming to me to even begin."

Sound familar? Any of these? The answers and solutions to these and tons more will be revealed in my signature 4-part teleseries coming up Sept 29th.

Don't wait to jump in. Let me guide you.

Personal branding is my forte and passion. I lived it for 22 yrs with visual and performing artists. I now support you, the business owner, in identifying your own brand with savvy strategies, tools, and mindset.

BTW, it all begins with mindset.

This 30-day Prosperity Facebook Program is for you if...

1. You are totally perplexed in how to monetize your efforts on Facebook and want a beginning start without a huge investment.

2. You wonder daily what you are going to post that will create interaction or interest?

3. You know there must be a strategy(s) that help you build your business and brand in a BIG way.

4. You prefer to learn from someone who has had a long career in personal branding and "gets" this strategy.

This early bird rate is good till Monday, Sept 20.
Invest in you. Take the risk.

Click here for all the details and the registration page.

My gift to the business world is to help you truly understand how to streamline your time and maximize your efforts on Facebook for business while converting your quality target marketed communities into clients, patients, or customers. Then, you can give your gifts to the world on a bigger scale!

It's all about win/win and the Law of Increase for all!

Let's move you forward and join the thousands who are using Facebook time for revenue producing time!
Click here for the registration info page.

Peace and blessings,

Chief Inspiration Officer


Anonymous said...

I should digg your post therefore other folks can look at it, very useful, I had a tough time finding the results searching on the web, thanks.

- Norman

Marla said...

Thank you Norman. Of course be my guest and digg my post :) Let me know how else I can support you.