Saturday, June 4, 2011

It's really not about the money; it almost never's about living a lifestyle

"The goal may be to earn a certain amount of money. Yet, it's really not about the money; it almost never's about living a lifestyle."

- Ramit Sethi of "Find Your First Profitable Idea"

When I read that mind-shifting quote, I had one of those aha moments as I re-read (re-read) that from an email one of my Master coaches sent me.

Then at dinner Friday evening with one of my long-standing valued clients, we were discussing the coaching program he was in that helped him build a lifestyle not necessarily a business - but a business that works on leverage, systems while supporting his ideal lifestyle. I was so impressed with his results. He loves golf and rarely had time to golf in the "old way" he used to run his dental practice. Now he is playing golf twice a week on an average and works less but accomplishes more. Very, very inspiring.

See, we always attract the right info at the precise moment we need it. The Universe just works in that way. I had been asking for guidance from my intuition to direct me to a new way of thinking because lately the stresses of daily life and all the determination of hard work had clouded my real reason for serving people in the best way I know how. Yes, I am in business to serve others to succeed, however, what is it that we ALL really are seeking?

It's that sometimes elusive, all encompassing LIFESTYLE we deeply desire. As entrepreneurs - the last thing we want is to be a slave to our business where the business is running us instead of us running it. I'm learning it's not about the money; it's what that money, discipline, and systems can provide for us.

So would you not agree then what we really are after is a lifestyle - NOT the money?

So, I have been in deep thought with "It's not a business I am building; it's a lifestyle." As part of my process and soul searching, I am writing down the exact details of what that lifestyle FEELS like and looks like AS IF it's already here. And, I trust in the Universe to present to me opportunities, people, events, and more to lead me to that LIFESTYLE. I have no idea HOW that will happen, but I am willing to get clear on how that LIFESTYLE feels and looks and just trust and take action.

I encourage you then to take a moment and a deep breath to ask yourself the same thing, "What is the lifestyle I am really desiring? Isn't this what I am truly wanting with all this hard work?" And then write it out, review it often, but surrender and let go in how it will happen.

I'd love to know how it goes for you. There's plenty of room to post here. Please do. There is power in numbers (and the energy behind it). Bring it on.

In gratitude,

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