Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Embrace Your Own Spotlight Before You Connect to Others

In a recent conversation with my 21 yr old son, we explored how challenging it is to be more authentic in front of hundreds with his new motivational speaking career working for Tony Robbins.  

We talked about how learning to be emotionally intimate with yourself in a loving way precedes how well we can connect with others while on that speaking stage. It's so different from one-on-one. When you are in the SPOTLIGHT, something starts to happen. 

As Taylor develops into a public persona speaking to businesses nationwide inspiring employees and their bosses to invest in themselves via Tony's "Unleash the Power Within" 4-day training, he also realized he must "walk the talk" in his own life. He understands if he's encouraging others to live a life of fulfillment in all areas, he knows his message must be authentic and transparent. In other words, he better live what he preaches!  

I so relate with the where he is. I had to learn over the last five years how to be more compassionate and loving with myself before I could be that to others while in the spotlight. Not easy, but very rewarding knowing you are inspiring others to transform their lives.  

This has everything to do with how compelling your personal brand can be.

The more I emotionally evolved, the more results occurred in my business including the money I created. In a sense, I cleared my energy field and raised my “vibration.” Money is an energy first; not a concept or a tangible. Money flows from our own energy consciousness. Acronym for money,  "My Own Natural Energy Yield."

I share this scenario about Taylor because this is exactly what happens when you EMBRACE own your personal brand. Start within before the outer manifests. Before you can really excel at placing the SPOTLIGHT on you and your expertise, we all must learn to be emotionally intimate with ourselves in a loving way before we can connect with others in a meaningful way.

The blending of your business brand as your personal brand IS the secret to excelling in your marketing today. Emotional content ranks high on Google for your SEO, too!

3 tips for you to begin embracing your own brand that allows you to deliver YOU with confidence, savvy & ease:

1.  You know those annoying tolerations you put up with every day? The small ones to the large things that drain your energy every time you see one? It can be a rug in your bathroom needing to be replaced, to the bike that needs a new tire, to the files on your desk needing to be filed or thrown out, to the drawer that needs to be cleaned out and the debts that have you stressed out. You get the picture. Make a top 10 list and begin clearing this energy in your life. Seriously, even clearing the smallest tolerations create big results for your life. Try it for 3 months. See what happens.

2. Invest in personal development with a mentor, coach, or via a book, live seminar or audio. I highly recommend "Coach Yourself to Success” by Talane Miedaner or any Tony Robbins training starting with Unleash the Power Within (the one Oprah featured on her OWN show in Feb - my son and I shared that training with her). (Email me and I’ll connect you with Taylor for registration).

3. Develop a robust relationship with your higher power if you have not already. This means communicating with it as if it’s your best friend (because it is).  Quiet time alone. Then journal about what comes up. 

To your branding success. :)


Jon E said...

Marla, I can very much relate to having to love yourself. It had been a long time for me as well, but I have worked hard on it and being at peace with yourself is something that can not be under estimated.

Marla said...

I can validate how devoted you are to working on this aspect of your life. I am honored to be part of that journey today :) Thank you for the wonderful message.