Monday, April 29, 2013

Have you heard of this acronym for M.O.N.E.Y.?

I want you to make money and lots of it!

Have you heard of this
acronym for M.O.N.E.Y.? My own natural energy yield.  To translate… the vibration you carry around about money yields positive or negative cash flow. Are you in a high vibration when it comes to anything related to money? This comes from truth that everything is energy especially our thoughts and feelings.

So, when our thoughts and feelings around money are robust, abundant, grateful, trusting, faithful, joyful, respectful and more – we attract more opportunities to make money in our life. It shows up by the Universe rewarding us events, invitations, leads, referrals, and more and then taking an action on those.

But it’s when we are in a low vibration of fear, worry, guilt, maybe even shame, we wonder why abundance does not show up for us. I know many of you know this rich, spiritual aspect of money, but do you really practice it on a daily basis?  Do you catch yourself at any given moment when you are in a state of low money vibration and immediately shift it to a consciousness of trust, abundance, gratitude, and faith?

Here’s my point:

I can give you plenty of online and offline tools, strategies and systems to build a brilliantly BOLD brand that will strengthen your credibility, expertise and position you to attract the right audience and convert a percentage of them to quality clients. But, if your relationship with money is tainted, blurred, or cluttered – all the systems and strategies in the world will not bear a fruitful result.

Mindset and behavior around money comes first before the marketing systems can work well for you. I’ve seen this over and over in my own life and that of clients and mentors. We need the intention, feelings, and thoughts around money to have integrity and a clean channel to flow through you and your business.

I want you to have a fulfilled business life where you are rewarded often for your brilliance and money shows up through several streams of income; even those unexpected places.

My heart goes out to so many of you who think you can plug along working hard each day with these cool online marketing systems, social media channels writing clever Facebook status updates, and helpful blog posts – but you know you can be creating much more income than you are.

When you have the courage to elevate your relationship with money by looking at your behaviors and old outdated stories around money – that’s when you can claim a BOLD money goal and make good use of your online marketing systems.

3 tips to claiming a BOLD money goal:
      1. Clear the clutter on your desk, in your car, or in that spare bedroom that acts as a “catch all.”
      2. Reset your money speedometer by adding up your top 5 highest months for income last year and divide that by 5. That’s your current high average money speedometer reading. It represents your past and current money mindset.
      3. Now claim a higher NEW money speedometer amount by choosing a bold money goal based on an amount that feels thrilling, is believable yet just enough to be uncomfortable to get you to act on it. 

If any of this resonates with you  on any level – that little twinge in your stomach (that’s your solar plexus where self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem reside) or chest area (that’s your heart are where love, joy, and inner peace reside) I urge you to BE courageous and take an action by emailing my team ( for your complimentary money assessment quiz that will help you identify the truths about your relationship with money.

Then we can explore how I may support you with standing in your power with money!

Gratitude & Prosperity!

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Chief Inspiration Officer
Embrace Your Spotlight
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