Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Light Up Your Brand and Life by Reawakening Your Sensuality (ROI is BIG!)

If I make a wild guess....you are definitely grateful for your life. (Wonderful!). You have a busy, productive schedule that requires you to be on top of your game DAILY. You run a reasonably successful business that is always evolving and keeping you on the edge. You probably spend too much time in front of the computer and not enough time with people or enjoying life's simple pleasures. Maybe you operate more out of your head rather than your heart, and you secretly crave being reconnected to your heart?

You are more than likely proud of your kids who are either in school or already out in the world making a difference with their talents. You may even have a satisfying relationship on some level with your partner; but there could be room for some improvement. But, for the most part you seem to have it all together.

Or do you? (I thought I had it together until I realized I was disconnected from my senses! Too numbed out!) 

When’s the last time you considered yourself sensual? By that I mean connected to your senses – aware of how they feel at any given time and feeling ALIVE. The six senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and intuition. 

When a woman (and this can go for men, too) connects to her beautiful six senses by being conscious of them moment to moment (instead of feeling “numbed” out due to overwhelm) she lives what I call a Six Sensory Abundant Life & Brand; it feels juicy, fulfilling, vibrant, alive, empowering, and authentic.  

Is all that even possible?

: a woman’s feminine power resides through her six senses. When you illuminate those six sensual areas of your life – you literally reconnect with your most authentic core and exude a sexiness that is a mark all your own; not a carbon copy of someone else.  

This is where you begin to step into the next version of who you are to be and success follows

Let’s reawaken the sensual, vibrant, enticing, and colorful woman you naturally are who may have gone into hiding due to disappointments, never-ending stress and demands while attending to everyone else’s needs.

After two decades of designing brands and PR campaigns in the entertainment industry, and then re-inventing my own life and business five years ago, I’m letting you in on my secret to building a bold, sexy, and inspiring brand that influences the masses.

A sexy brand inspires others to feel their emotions. 

Digital storytelling today (written, spoken or video) requires an emotional connection online in order to move people to an action. When your personal branding can inspire others to take an action toward your offerings – you succeeded at being emotionally connected to their needs, desires and dreams.  

That is a sexy, bold brand. 

I love working with women business owners who desire to be in a healthy, abundant, and powerful relationship with money. Her spirit and soul are ready to let go of money clutter and drama that has either kept her under-earning, not standing in her power with money or uncertain about her financial worth. The result? She steps into her sexy, confident self that leads to a juicy, creative, financially liberated vibrant life!

 I give you permission to be all of you…and more! This is where it all comes together for business. This authenticity is required today in our social media driven world in order to convert our branding and online communities to revenues and a thriving, profitable business. 

Be more of you in an authentic way through your senses.

What we aspire to feel is IGNITED in both our purpose and who we are. Now we can make a truly fulfilling difference in lives of our families, clients, communities and the world.

When we become conscious of using these natural senses in a way that speaks to our passions, interests, expertise, leading qualities, and talents – we experience living a sensual, authentic life through our God-given gifts. Then we can apply it to our branding and marketing content (the words, visuals & videos).

This is what makes an influential brand that converts to revenues; people connect to an “energy” behind your brand.When you have a sexy, bold, vibrant, confident, juicy brand; it attracts the right ideal clients to your business. 

How about we get you started on a Living a Six Sensory Abundant Life?” 

Ask yourself this: How can I live a vibrant, sensual life? How can I find new ways to feel my senses? How can I stretch beyond my comfort zone to live more abundantly, more luxuriously through my six senses?

See what comes up in this exercise. Notice how it makes you feel; notice energy shifts. This is your core speaking to you wanting to be liberated.  Fill in the list:


 Apply your answers to your online content, postings, and brand “essence.”

Share with me in comments below how this helped shift your consciousness about living a more vibrant life & brand. What did this bring up for you? 
Chief Inspiration Officer
Embrace Your Spotlight

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