Thursday, December 5, 2013

{2014 Plans} I just read the news, did you?

I just read the news.

Nelson Mandela passed away at 95. This email is in honor of a man who stood for deep justice in humanity.

The quote here speaks volumes for what he believed and acted upon.

This time of year we look back on the months in how productive we were and how well we served our clients, families, and community. I encourage you to look back and account for how much you inspired others to make a change, small or large, in their lives.

What impact did you have on a life or two?

Today, I'm reminding you of the gift I offered that keeps on giving and inspires. Before you dive into Christmas festivities where much of your attention will be focused on shopping, parties, cooking, gift wrapping and more, give yourself 60 min to
watch and listen to my webinar that will certainly change the way you present
yourself to the world and how you "in" relationship with money.   

I had such positive feedback from this FREE webinar, "Turn Your Personality into Marketing Power" that I am offering an "Encore Performance" good till Dec 9th.  I bring you into more consciousness about your relationship with money and how it feeds the power of your branding. I aspire for you play bigger, bolder, sexier and embrace your spotlight (brand) in 2014 with savvy, dignity, and grace even if you don't have all your "ducks-in-a-row!"
The question is how are you investing your time each day to move your dreams and goals forward? Are your current choices getting you results? If not, it is worthy of your time to watch and listen to this 60 min FREE webinar.
I go through my secrets and strategies to begin mastering personality branding that converts to revenues; but you must have your "money clutter" cleaned up on some level before that brand takes off.  This stuff is fascinating. This is designed as a dynamic preview FREE training for my 2014 "Six Sensory Abundant Life & Brand Experience" 6-month program beginning in January.

I've got 2 spots remaining for the private mastermind program. The women in the program so far are brilliantly driven and a blessing to work with! I'd love to consider you for a spot on the team. Listen to the webinar and see if it inspires you to explore more with me and how I can help you build a more inspired life that rewards you far and wide.

Sign up here to get the link and listen in or download the audio! 

Abundant Blessing!

hand signature  
Chief Inspiration Officer 
Embrace Your Spotlight
soon to be

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