Wednesday, January 6, 2010

5 straight-up truths about Facebook & Twitter as marketing tools

As dedicated, passionate entrepreneurs, we are full steam ahead for 2010. Yeah! We have been using Social Media for our branding and relationship marketing for a while now. Over the last two years, this remarkable platform has truly transformed the way we live, work, and play.

I am so grateful for this brilliant PR and marketing tool! I have experienced great success, as have my coaching clients. However, if you are like me, I find not everyone on Facebook and Twitter to be very good stewards of their posts or strategies nor understand this transforming tool. Yes, I agree not everyone is using Social Media for business, but those who are really should employ a quality, effective strategy.

Perhaps you can relate, so I have composed five REAL straight-up truths about being a good steward of your Facebook and Twitter efforts. I may be giving voice to what you have been wanting to express, but did not have the courage to say so. Ok, use this article to do it for you!  With compassion and respect, here goes.

1. Social Media is about building quality relationships in a community format first and foremost. It’s not about selling, convincing and prodding. It’s building the KNOW, LIKE, & TRUST factor first, selling/promoting second. Social Media is the NEW PR.

2. You engage your friends, fans, & members to interact with you by posting and commenting about relevant business info, inspiration, contacts, quality personal info, cultural events, positive thoughts, dynamic photos and videos. It’s about the law of increase – how can I serve others in their business and personal life. It’s not about posting or commenting mundane, boring, irrelevant, overly opinionated, self serving, items. It’s not all about you.

3. You are aspiring to build a brand that serves others in a quality, life affirming manner. In other words, promote your latest book, teleclass, workshop, product or service in a personal way that speaks to your authenticity and the needs of your community (target market).

4. Social Media is like a game of golf. You are having a good time socializing in a casual, enjoyable environment as you play a mindful game that is enhanced by the quality discussions and interactions with your golf partners. With that, you build the KNOW LIKE TRUST and deals go down on the golf course; as they do on Facebook and Twitter.

5. Become a respected resource and expert in your field using Facebook and Twitter. This is built around your genius and brilliance as you empower others into their own genius and brilliance. You build communities based on giving and receiving; the law of circulation. It’s about collaborating for the highest good of all.

Authenticity is the new black.

The Secret to Prosperity Proverb
If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain.
If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees.
If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? Please be my guest as long as you include this complete blurb: Marla Dennis, online marketing & mindset success coach with over two decades in entertainment public relations and talent management, publishes THE MASTERY IS IN THE MARKETING & MINDSET bi-weekly ezine for conscious-driven, lifestyle entrepreneurs. Join her success circle of entrepreneurs who use social media and online marketing as powerful revenue producing activities while employing energetic forces to manifest striking results in their personal and professional lives. Please visit and

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