Saturday, January 16, 2010

Follow Your Heart

Follow your heart and you will never be let down. Where your heart is, so is your purpose; the reason you are here. When we follow our hearts the Universe rewards us. It provides the miracles disguised as opportunities, people, events, and synchronicities that lead us to making our dreams come true.

Many may take the easy route because they are afraid of change and failure, but it is those who follow their hearts (passion), willing to risk, live a fulfilled, compelling life.

When you follow your heart you follow the Universe, which is expansive, creative, abundant and forever giving and receiving.

Don't be afraid to listen within. It's a gentle nudge, soft voice, or light feeling guiding you to listen and take action.
So, follow your heart and be ready to RECEIVE the miracles waiting for you.

The Universe knows.

I believe in you.

In gratitude,

Chief Inspiration Officer (CIO)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good !