Monday, July 11, 2011

A Secret to Success in Social Media is "Be Resourceful!"

Does this scenario sound familiar?

You are looking for a specific niche or industry to connect to. You search for that name in the search box on Facebook. Let's say your target market is women interior designers who cater to upscale-high end homeowners who are seeking custom made closets and cabinetry.

You enter the name "Interior Designers" and maybe add a specific location or specialty. What comes up much like Google is fan & group pages and people that match that name. You find several Interior Designers and go "like" their page. You might even post a few hellos or comments on the fan page to start the connection.

Then what? Your goal is to make a personal connection in a private message to open the discussion.

But how do you find the owner of the page in order to start that communication? It isn't always easy. The secret to success is being "resourceful."

Not sure where to start? No problem, I explain what to do on the Social Media Savvy Culture Club forum. And the best part? Forum access is free to all members!

Not yet a member? Join my year-round group coaching program for less than $2.00 a day where you can find like minds, learn how to build a SAVVY personal brand and monetize your business on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and LI.

Register here.

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