Saturday, July 9, 2011

What does your brand say about you?

Have you been guessing who you truly are to your market? It all begins with your personal brand and how you show up in your marketing, especially on Social Media.

"If you want to stay relevant and competitive in the coming years – it does not matter if you are in coaching, fitness, speaking, writing, sales, tech, medicine, finance, publishing, event planning – you name it –
you need to develop
and grow your brand."

Everyone, EVERYONE needs to start thinking of themselves as a brand.

It is no longer an option; it’s a necessity”

-Gary Vaynerchuk, author of CRUSH IT!

Yes Gary! I love his stuff. He's so spot on.

So the story goes like this…

Private clients come to me for what they think is Social Media training and personal branding identity. What happens then is magical. My passion as a coach is to guide you through a metamorphosis from who you think you are to who you really are to your market. Social Media Marketing requires YOU be the brand and that is not easy to define for most entrepreneurs looking to monetize (make money from) their activity on Facebook, Twitter, LI, and Youtube.

Private client Caroline Lockhart of Feminine Brilliance Awakened was a perfect example of an ideal transformation that led to a new brand and new purpose,

So, who do you market on Facebook? You or your direct sales company. And how do you "show up" on social media to create a win/win for you, your team, your company, and the direct sales industry?”

This has been my challenge, and why I ended up hiring a social media coach to help me learn how to build a direct sales business with an entrepreneurial mindset. What started out as a Facebook Training, turned into something much bigger. My coach walked me through a metamorphosis in how to market me as the brand first; not my products and services. Personal branding is key to being successful in your marketing today because social media is relationship marketing, building the "know-like-trust factor" in this virtual world called Facebook. It was here that I had a personal breakthrough, because even though I had achieved so much with my direct sales business, I had no idea how to market me as a brand, or help my team do the same. This is true for most direct sellers today.” --More on her journey click here

Discover your SAVVY brand from the inside out. Be ready to transform how you "experience" social media and the results you create for your business. Stop missing the mark with your potential clients who are on Facebook and Twitter in droves and STEP INTO THE SPOTLIGHT with verve and vigor!

New personal branding and social media savvy client Angel Quintana writes...

"You are truly a gifted mentor. Am I excited? Understatement! I've already done half the assignments! Can't wait to see what happens next. So very honored to be working with you. xox" Angel,

Are you ready to discover how to monetize your brand?

I'm scheduling (5) 45 min Discovery calls between Monday July 11th - July 27th. Grab your spot now before they fill up. In your discovery call we will uncover the brilliance you know you are but have been afraid of showing up for fear of a variety of reasons (you know what yours is) or you just plain have no idea how to find it and HOW to FLAUNT it in a SAVVY way so your marketing speaks to you and how your expertise serves your market. :)

Please email me at for your options to book a slot! Want to know more about me? Please visit - You'll see there I spent over 20 years in the entertainment biz as a publicist for celebrities, visual and performing artists. I LOVE helping you design that smart, savvy, bright brand that inspires others to hire you!

Here's to your SHINING GLORY that creates results and happy lives!

In gratitude,


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