Monday, August 22, 2011

I change up the entire game of Facebook when we begin developing your personal brand

As a driven, savvy entrepreneur, you are on Facebook and Twitter (perhaps mostly Facebook) and you are somewhat comfortable with some of the tools, applications, and pages.

However, you know there are strategies to use on Facebook for business but have no idea what they are - so you plug along at it with no real plan or strategy. You just know the visibility on Facebook, when done correctly, is very powerful for business.

But, you admit to yourself it feels like you are wasting a lot of time and it’s too overwhelming. And furthermore, all those changes constantly happening on Facebook has you frustrated and guessing most of the time, which is not a smart use of your precious time.

I know. I hear this all the time. When my clients come to me for private in-depth training and coaching over several months, I change up the entire game of Facebook when we begin developing their personal brand – and that’s when the lights go on and my clients begin to see the big picture. And then they get excited.

Really excited.

I want you to experience a similar success. I have designed a small private group setting for an entry level investment just for you. I know there are several of you in the local Los Angeles and Orange County areas who really want help and have been hoping for this expertise, but either time or money has stopped you.

I have the answer to your dilemma on Sept 15th live in Los Angeles up close and personal.
Read on.


Anonymous said...

I really liked the article, and the very cool blog

Marla said...

Thank you! Welcome. Please join me at Facebook/socialmediasavvy