Friday, February 10, 2012

Lead more with your heart and less with your head; it’s the seat of your wisdom and core of your personal brand!

One of the best decisions I recently made going into the New Year last month was making the commitment to bring art, rejuvenation, yoga, massages, and flow back into my life consistently while setting the intention for all these to help expand my life and my clients.

My first action step? I took myself on an overnight solo artist retreat prior to New Year's Eve.

Well, the days following proved that listening to my intuition was spot on. My creativity soared as did my senses. I felt more alive, saw things more clearly, connected more with my heart, and had more physical energy than months prior.
 Now, a few months into the new year and I am feeling more at “home” than I did over the last few years. I feel more confident and true to myself.

I had not painted art in almost 5 years (which was always a jolt for my creativity). During the retreat I was inspired to reconnect with this part of my authenticity I had long neglected.

So I stepped into Clara Berta’s art studio (the host of the retreat) and produced what I later named "Golden Sunset." I had no idea what I was going to paint, but with her guidance, this is what emerged. :)

I'm encouraging you for 2012 and beyond to listen to your heart more and your head less. They work together but please allow your heart to take front seat. Why?

It's the seat of your wisdom.  

With that said, here are a few tips how to live your life more authentically, which will SHINE through your personal brand in all your marketing:
1. Invent your own life. Live according to your own ideals of happiness. Allow your imagination to set fulfilling goals for the New Year and have the courage to go after them till complete. 

2. Live passionately. Radiate your vital energy; it's contagious and inspiring to others while raising the vibration around you as you pay it forward.
3. Learn and evolve. Commit to continually learning something new about life, your business, and relationships. Evolve.

When you take care of your inner life, your outer life (and brand) succeeds.  Here’s to a fabulous year where lives are enhanced and dreams are realized because of we heeded the call of our hearts.

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