Monday, April 25, 2011

"I'm not emotional" Then THIS is for you! You're marketing may be suffering because....

Today’s virtual world requires us to be as real as possible and the secret to connecting humans to each other online is emotions. (and those who say “I’m not emotional” - this info is especially for you!)

When we have the physical component missing in our interactions online, we must present a strong emotional presence so our contacts will resonate with us and build the KNOW, LIKE, TRUST factor.

And that is where you become CLIENT ATTRACTIVE and convert your communities to revenues.

It’s called Emotional Resonance.

So, in my conversations with entrepreneurs as I advocate how you and your business brand are ONE IN THE SAME - I urge them that a mindset shift must take place or they will surely be left behind.

Good news for you!

As I transition from one-on-one coaching to a more concentrated focus on group programs and workshops and live events based on Social Media marketing, personal branding and online marketing, I wanted to give a gift to you in celebration of this exciting change.

In celebration of this change (it's been scary and exciting all in the one), I am offering for the last time one-on-one phone or in person coaching (if you live in L.A. or want to fly out here) - at low rates.

This is for any one of you who have hesitated to jump into any of my coaching offers, or those who have had the experience with me and want more one-on-one attention with your online and social media marketing. - I am only offering 2 (2 hour) slots and 2 (4 hour ) slots. Once these are snapped up - they are gone at that low rate.

I'd grab this now and bank them! (You can register now and schedule later)

Much like equity, once you have your session - the ROI will turn into equity - results that keep on giving.

I am inviting you to take advantage of my 22 years of personal branding, PR, and marketing results to take you out of your confusion, frustration, and lack of results using Social Media!

Click here for details --

In gratitude,



Unknown said...

Marla, You are so gifted at helping us become client magnets by being authentic. This is an outstanding value! I wish I was in LA but can't make it. Kobi James (

Unknown said...

Hi Marla,
This is an outstanding value. You are so gifted at bringing out our authentic self to become client magnets. Sorry I will miss it, I will be on the East Coast.
Kobi James (