Friday, February 8, 2013

FIVE COMPELLING reasons why you don't want to miss delivering an ezine

1. Your personality is power. No one can duplicate who you are. As a result, you take yourself out of the competition. It doesn't matter if your competition is down the street; when you reach out to your market in a personal way and nurture that relationship online via your custom personality-driven ezine, you hedge the competition and build more loyal clients, contacts. In today's overly saturated market, you MUST be consistent with your online marketing to build the know, like & trust factor. (Even if you think it's not necessary).

2. Relationships. Your clients (audience) who read your ezine (and I know many do based on the reports at constant contact) see you as a real person on the other side of the computer screen. You are no longer just an office blasting out impersonal info. This is relationship building every month year round. Your email list is your hidden gold, regardless of how much you think it does or does not generate money. People need connection; just like you. Your referrals come from the ezine whether you realize it not. The reader may not email you after reading the ezine, but instead decide to call you, reach out on FB, your blog and more. Ezine’s inspire your list to take an action.

3. Perception is a BIG deal. When you are consistent in delivering an ezine, you are seen as an innovative business with savvy marketing and content for the subscriber.  Consistency is key. Ezines are often a retention based tool, and that is worth its weight in gold.

4. When your permission based readers genuinely like you and believe you offer them a value with your articles, tips, and info - they look forward to hearing from you (really!). In your ezine, always deliver value, connection, and something personal to keep feeding the loyalty. They will pay attention when you have a new product or service. They gave you permission to do so by agreeing to receive your ezine.

5. And, it's all about timing for people when it comes to calling the office. The more you show up in their email box with fun, innovative, interesting, personalized info the better chance you have of a new client, contact or patient.

Please do not mistake the power of an ezine. The voice of your ezine is very important even if you think people don't feel that way. They do.

Happy creating and building relationships!

With gratitude,  

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Chief Inspiration Officer 
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