Friday, February 1, 2013

Follow Your True North and the Masses Will Come

Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes. The inspiration I am about to share comes in the shape of a loving female dog named Ricochet. The message to the story is "Find Your True North and the Masses Will Come."

For us business owners large and small, we know deep inside when we follow our hearts and listen within - we will be led to the answers we seek. I am a believer of "that which we seek is seeking us; or it would not be in our consciousness."

When establishing your personal brand, you must:

1. Connect and honor what brings you joy - pay attention - that is your creative voice asking to be expressed. For just 3 days - listen to your "inner barometer" - make a conscious effort to notice your "energy" (how it feels) around every task, event, project, phone call, email that you do. Then jot down what is a toleration and what has a "zing" to it. Be honest with yourself.

2. Get quiet enough to hear and FEEL the message coming from within. And then stay true to that message - no matter what. 

3. With that list - you will find the few "magical" items that truly sing to your talents, illuminate your brilliance and feed your passions. Success leaves clues. The rest -- well you know -- delegate. See, your genius work (the most important items to focus your time on to get the best ROI) consists of the items on that list in #1 that come easy to you and are most natural.

4. Now you have a "True North" compass to inspire you to develop programs, products, and content for your website, fan page, Twitter feed, and more.

In this video, world famous service dog, Ricochet, never liked the training expectations her owner had for her. She resisted. But one day she found her true calling and this made her a household name changing lives of millions. Ricochet's service was unique to the canine service industry. She helps 100's of disabled surfers feel safe and enjoy their dream of surfing. How healing is that? What a powerful FUN purpose. Ricochet also went on to raise over $100K in funds for animal causes around the world.

 "None of this would have happened if Ricochet had not stayed true to herself and followed her heart. I wanted her to make a difference in one life but she made a difference in millions of lives," ---Ricochet's owner.

Please make time to watch the video (have tissues on hand) and be ready to be inspired to your true north. Your branding will depend on it. Trust me.

Click here to watch.  

With gratitude,  
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Chief Inspiration Officer 
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Personal Branding, Business Innovation,
and Social Media Savvy Expert for the small
business owner and multi-million dollar lifestyle companies

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